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Q: In What is ways is the Indus River like the Nile the Tigris and Euprates?
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Is the Nile is Mesopotamia?

No. The Tigris and Euprates rivers were in mesopotamia. The nile river is located in egypt.

Name at least two river valleys where civilization began?

The Nile River Valley and the Indus River Valley.

What are The four major river valleys that were homes to early civilizations?

Name the four river valleys that gave birth to early civilizations?

Who did the Tigris and the Euphrates River people trade with?

They traded with the Nile, Indus and the Americas.... =)

What were River-Valley civilizations?

tigris and euphrates

What rivers are similer the indus river?

most people say that the indus river resembles the Nile river, the Tigris river, and the Euphrates river. that is the right answer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! look it up!!!!!!!!!

In what ways does the Indus river resemble the Nile Tigris and Euphrates river?

The Indus River resembles the Nile Tigris and Euphrates river because all three contribute to peoples lives and their animals and crops. also they are all a source of water people can live upon and drink from.

What river valley civitizations are located in the Persian Empire?

Nile, Tigris, Euphrates, Indus.

What were the four most important river valleys?

Nile, Tigris-Euphrates, Indus, Yangtse.

What river valley civilizations were located in the Persian Empire?

Nile, Euphrates, Tigris, Indus.

What are the four main river valley civilizations?

The Egyptian civilization around the Nile river, the Mesopotamian/Sumerian civilization around the Tigris and Euphrates, the Indus Valley civilization of Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro around the Indus river, and the Chinese/Shang civilization around the Yellow river.

What 2 major rivers influenced the four earliest civilizations of the world?

1) Amazon 2) Nile 3) Tigris-Euphrates 4) Indus