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The guillotine was much used during the French Revolution to behead the aristocracy, those in power, and anyone who opposed the 'Peoples Revolution.' The last execution to use the guillotine in France was in September 1977. The death penalty was abolished in French in 1981.

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Q: In France guillotine referred to a system of?
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Where did the guillotine originate?

The Guillotine originated in France.

What was the 'National Razor' of France?

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The tax system in France is referred to as prelevements obligatoires. Taxes are assessed by the government on a yearly basis.

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What machine chops heads off?

Aside from the old English method (a big hefty executioner with a really big axe), the most common machine used for beheading was the French Guillotine. It was used as a method of execution in France until capital punishment there was abolished in 1981. The last execution in France by guillotine was in 1977. There are other older machines similar to the French Guillotine, like the Scottish Maiden, and the Halifax Engine, but the guillotine is the most well known device because of its use during the French Revolution to execute nobles, including the King and Queen of France. ---- the guillotine

What machine was used to behead criminals in France?

A guillotine was the machine that was used to behead criminals in France. It was an apparatus designed for efficiently carrying out executions by beheading.

What things did France invent?

These are some things that were invented in France: the hot-air balloon, whipped cream, the guillotine.

What is guillotine's nationality?

Doctor Joseph-Ignace Guillotin was born in Saintes, France.

How was louie king of France executed in the French revolution?

By guillotine powered by a horse

What happen to Robespierre?

He was executed by the guillotine.

When was Louis XVI the King of France?

1774 to 1793. He was exectued by Guillotine as a result of the Revolution.