

Best Answer

- pulling all troops from Vietnam by the year 1965

- tax cut proposal

- joint moon mission with the USSR ( soviets )

- economic aid for Indonesia

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Q: In 1963 what proposals did Kennedy make but never had the chance to guide through Congress?
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What did jinnah mean when he talked of 'the parting of the way's in 1929?

He meant that there was no chance that he would try to reconcile the Muslim League and the Congress or even work with Congress.

What did Jacqueline Kennedy do that was so important to the world?

Through her effort to preserve the legacy of the Kennedy administration following the assassination of her husband President John F. Kennedy on November 22nd, 1963. She led the organization of the state funeral for her husband, and using the next couple of days to give the nation a chance to say goodbye to him in a most dignifed and final manner. Jacqueline Kennedy presided to led the effort to construct the Presidental Library that bore his name, and the responsiblity to perserve the best in what her husband stood for, and aspired to be in the best possible light. She used her only public interview to publicize her analogy of JFK's administration to the mythical figures of Camelot, which served to perserve his political legacy for many years inspite of revisionist history and the worst aspects of her husband's life and career.

How did the 1862 US Congress act to end slavery in the North?

During the course of the US Civil War, President Lincoln actively pursued plans to end slavery on a voluntary basis. For the most part, he had the support of the US Congress. In March of 1862, the US Congress endorsed Lincoln's plan for national compensated emancipation. However, it did not provide any funding for this plan. In 1862, Lincoln's plan would not have worked in the Rebel Confederacy, however, in the North, his plans had a chance to begin the process of gradually abolishing slavery with Federal funds used to compensate slave owners.

What events led to the Berlin crisis and to the Cuban missile crisis?

Upset by the failure at the Bay of Pigs, Kennedy was now even more determined to prove his toughness against communism. Later in 1961, he had another opportunity when a new crisis arose over a familisr issue: Berlin Kennedy also had a chance to restore American prestige in another crisis with Cuba. On October 16,1962, photographs taken from an American spy plane revealed that the Soviets were building missile bases on Cuban soil. The Cuban Missle Crisis followed

How did Steven Douglass want to settle the crisis of slavery in the west?

Popular sovereignty. And by any chance, are you asking this because of a social studies map pack?

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The Peace Corps is Kennedy's way of giving Americans the chance to go overseas to help developing nations through volunteer work.

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John F Kennedy never did have a chance to retire because he was assassinated in a motorcade Continental four-door convertible.

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To oversee the executive agencies

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Oswald was shot and killed by Jack Ruby two days after Kennedy was assassinated. There was never a chance to put Oswald on trial.

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During their first year in office

What demonstrates separation of powers when a law is passed by congress?

If a law is passed by Congress, then it goes to the president and he can either veto it or pass it as a law, but there is also the chance that the Supreme Court might find it unconstitutional.

What is Anthony M Kennedy's religion?

Justice Kennedy is Roman Catholic. Through a curious quirk of chance, the current Justices of the Supreme Court are five Catholics and three Jews. Justice Antonin Scalia, who passed away on February 13, 2016, was also Roman Catholic. Scalia occasionally spoke that the real requirement for "diversity" on the Supreme Court was to get at least one Protestant, preferably an Evangelical Protestant!

What did Jackie Kennedy do when John F. Kennedy was killed?

Began to orchestrate the state funeral and burial of her husband. She stayed nearby the remains throughout November 22nd, 1963. She had to channel her own grief so that the rest of the nation could have its chance to grieve.

What would happen if congress were to suspend habeas corpus?

All civil liberties are curtailed under emergency powers granted to the President. Essentially, the President becomes a dictator expressing his power through the use of the executive branch of government.

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it will depend on the plane if you are taking Qantas you are doomed if you are taking a small plane you have a better chance of surviving and landing on time

Every bill is assigned to a committee int he house of representatives why does it matter which committee a bill is sent to?

There are two reasons, one procedural and one political. One is that only some committees can recommend that proposals be funded. The other is that bills recommended to an unfriendly committee may be stopped there.

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No, you can't. By any chance, do you mean accessing facebook through a proxy?