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no because Japan were already loosing

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Q: If nuclear weapons had not been used approximately how much longer would the war have lasted?
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Why does US make nuclear weapons?

The US no longer makes nuclear weapons, it only refurbishes existing ones that are wearing out.

What if nuclear weapons had never been developed?

WW2 would have lasted at least a year longer, millions more would have died, and japan would have been partitioned into communist north japan and free south japan.

Is Mexico nuclear capable?

Mexico is capable of producing Nuclear power, it currently only has one power station called Laguna Verde Nuclear Power Station, located in Veracruz. Mexico might be capable of producing nuclear weapons, but they have laws against nuclear weapons, they are not allowed on Mexican soil. If Mexico were to produce nuclear weapons, their friendship with the United States will be ruined, the United States likes controlling Latin-American countries, and if a country such as Mexico has nuclear weapons, they can no longer enslave them.

How did the Korean War impact presidents and their acts?

Presidents (Commander in Chiefs) now knew they could NO LONGER declare TOTAL WARS; in the age of nuclear weapons, wars had to be fought as LIMITED to "non-nuclear weapons." Such as Korea & stem the tide of communism.

Why the the US no longer test nuclear weapons?

The US signed the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty in 1996 which prohibits nuclear testing. Additionally, advancements in technology allow for testing through simulations and monitoring. The US also aims to set an example for other countries to follow suit in reducing nuclear proliferation.

Does the us still test nuclear weapons?

The United States has not conducted a nuclear weapons test since 1992. The Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty, adopted in 1996, bans all nuclear explosions for both civilian and military purposes.

Battle of Trenton lasted how long?

the battle lasted 7- 8 years or longer

How did nuclear weapons change history?

Nuclear weapons fundamentally altered the geopolitical landscape by creating a new paradigm of mutually assured destruction (MAD). The threat of massive, indiscriminate destruction led to a heightened focus on diplomacy and disarmament, as the Cold War standoff between the United States and Soviet Union demonstrated. Additionally, the existence of nuclear weapons increased the urgency of non-proliferation efforts, with countries striving to prevent the spread of these weapons to ensure global security.

Why was the Zhou craftworker's ability to mold metal an important advance in technology?

Metal was used in the making of weapons during the classical civilizations time period. The more advanced the weapons were, the better the chance the Zhou dynasty had of surviving...nomadic invasions occurred frequently.

Total war required a nation to do what?

Total war is all out war; using all weapons available. The Korean War and Vietnam Wars were not total wars; they were LIMITED to non-nuclear conventional weapons. Total wars can no longer be fought in this age of atomic weapons, without risking "mutually assured destruction."

Are nuclear weapons necessary for protection?

Some countries don't need nuclear weapons, but some do. If the US had no nuclear weapons, the U.S.S.R. would have crushed all of Europe, and perhaps the US as well. When you are a world power and do not have nuclear weapons, you lack a small but vital "chip" to use as leverage in the "big game" of world "control" or "domination" or just "directing" the course of world policy.

Could the Civil War have lasted longer?

That was always a possibility.