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only your judge can say (if it's a divorce)

but probably not.

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Q: If a 15 year old wants to live with his dad does the mom have to pay child support?
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If your 17 yr old wants to live with her dad does he still have to pay child support to mother?

If the father is not living with the child and has some income other than public assistance, yes.

Your 9 year old daughter wants to live with her dad if you let her can you lose your rights?

With out a court order, I do not think you will lose anything but you could have to pay child support.

What action should be taken if mother wants her child to live with father but mother has full custody of 17 year old child?

The parents have to go back to court to file a modification of the custody order. They should also terminate any child support order that obligates the father to pay child support

What if your 17 year old son wants to live with his father and his father is arrears with child support Will you now need to pay child support or will he receive credit?

The parents should return to court to change custody and terminate support. The court may order the mother to pay support and might credit her for the father's arrearage.

If a father who has never seen his 5 year old daughter and is current on child support wants to give up his rights is he legally entitled to pay child support?

Need clarification on your question. ..... Enditled to pay child support?

You live in Chicago and your child moved to Mexico only for a year can you still collect child support here in Chicago?

If your child is not living with you, you are not eligible to collect child support. The child support should go to whomever is caring for the child.

If Father wants to keep his 3 year old daughter overnight does he have a right to do this if the mother does not agree. He does not support his child financially.?

He is the father and not to allow him his child would hurt the child. Take him to family court for the support.

Can the father collect child support if a 17 year old in a shared custody no child support situation chooses to live with him?

Yes, as long as the legal custody schedule is changed, child support can also be adjusted.

Can a 16 year old child in the state of Ohio pick which parent he wants to live with?

see link

What if a 21 year old got a 13 year old pregnant and wants to put him on child support what will happen?

Two consequences are probable. First, the 21 year old male will be on the hook for child support. Secondly, he could very well be prosecuted for statutory rape.

Can the father still get credit for child support if he over paid for 1 yer than stopped paying child support for 1 year now wants credit for it?

If you paid through the courts or the State - probably.

What if your son will be 18 next year but will graduate when he is 19 He is living with his mother right now but wants to come live with you when he turns 18 Can you collect child support if this take?

Child support does not automatically go to the person with whom the child is living, it goes to whomever the court order says it does. If the court order says you have to pay child support until the child graduates, then you must pay child support until the child graduates, even if the child is actually living with you. You could almost certainly petition the court to change this, but you'd have to take the trouble to actually do so.