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had no way to defend themselves against violence.

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What Ida b Wells wrote about African Americans in the south?

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What role did Ida wells play in reform efforts for African Americans?

Ida B. Wells was a journalist who wrote about unequal education opportunities available to African American children. She also drew attention to lynching of African Americans. She wrote directly against discrimination.

What role did Ida B Wells play in reform efforts for African Americans?

Ida B. Wells was a journalist who wrote about unequal education opportunities available to African American children. She also drew attention to lynching of African Americans. She wrote directly against discrimination.

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Ida Bell (B) Wells was born on July 16th, 1862 in Holly Springs, Mississippi. After the unfair lynching of three of her friends, she became a crusader against lynching and unfairness towards African-Americans. As a journalist, Wells wrote many articles concerning lynching and African-American rights. She was also one of the founders of NAACP and wrote Southern Horrors: Lynch Law and All Its Phases. ====== ======

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