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The Hanging Gardens of Babylon were destroyed mostly due to lack of matinence.

After 1ST Century B.C They were struck by an earthquake and destroyed!
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13y ago

the hanging gradens of Babylon got haid on and fell to the ground

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Q: How were the hanging gardens of Babylon destroyed?
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When was the hanging gardens of Babylon destroyed?

an earthequake destroyed the gardens in the century 2nd Century BC.

When were the Hanging Gardens of Babylon destroyed?

2nd Century BC2nd centery B.C

When did tourist start visiting the hanging gardens of Babylon?

Babylonia was dug up from the dirt but the hanging gardens were destroyed in the 1st century BC.

Why isn't the hanging gardens of Babylon standing?

The gardens were destroyed in the great earthquake during the Roman Empire times.

What river is surrounding The Hanging Gardens of Babylon?

The Mississippi River is surronding The Hanging Gardens of Babylon.

When the hanging gardens of Babylon destroyed?

around 600 bc in the great Babylonian earthquake.

How did the hanging gardens of Babylon disappear?

It was destroyed in the great Babylonian earthquake in Nabusodor days.

Who was responsible for the Hanging Gardens of Babylon?

king Nebuchadnezzar was responsable for the hanging gardens of babylon

How do you conserve the hanging gardens of Babylon?

This could be a little difficult as the gardens were destroyed by several earthquakes after the 2nd century BC.

What was the hanging gardens built?

Construction began on the Hanging Gardens of Babylon in 605 BC. One of the Ancient Wonders of the World, the gardens were built in Al-Mahawil, Iraq. They were destroyed by an earthquake.

What does hanging gardens of Babylon look like today?

The hanging gardens of Babylon was destroyed by minor disasters like erosion or warfare. It was destroyed in around 600BC. Since then it has levelled with the ground.

What is the hanging of Babylon?

The Hanging Gardens of Babylon, one of the Seven Wonders of the ancient world. Built by Nebuchadnezzar the second who ruled 605 to 652 BC. The gardens were destroyed by earthquakes just after the second century BC