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The Japanese were on the defensive and dug in deeply on those islands waiting for the Americans to arrive. After the first few battles, they would let U.S. forces onto the island without resistance and then start firing on the troops. Japanese forces also refused to surrender so for them it was victory, or death and they fought hard for every square inch of those islands. In the mind of the Japanese they were fighting for their honor. All of those factors produced a hard fighting enemy that gave the U.S. troops a difficult foe to defeat. As a result, the Americans took heavy losses on several of the islands. Those losses and knowledge of the mindset of the Japanese soldier was part of the rationale to use atomic weapons on Japan to end the war in the Pacific theater. An invasion of mainland Japan would have cost hundreds of thousands of American lives which would have not been popular for a war weary United States whose victory in Europe had already been secured.

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Because of the incredible beating we took in the bombing of Pearl Harbor on December 7, 1941.

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Q: How were the allies victories in the pacific costly?
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What victories did the allies achieve at sea?

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