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Indentured servants were poor people from England (sometimes prisoners) whose trip to the colonies was payed for by someone wealthier than them. In return, they had to work for that person for a number of years without pay. Slaves (usually African or of African descent) in the American Colonies, were people who had been taken by slave ship and sold in the Americas. They work their whole lives without pay, and their "owners" can do anything they want with them. Another thing is, the indentured servant's children were born free, as the slaves children were born slaves and looked after until they were old enough to work. In summary, Indentured Servants were treated as workers, Slaves were treated as property.

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Q: How were enslaved people treated differently from indentured servants?
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Were indentured servants and slaves treated the same at first?

They were not the same. Indentured servants were to serve 7 years, but often they left before they finished their time. They could blend in so it made it hard to find them, but any person who was black was a slave and needed a pass to leave the plantation. Indentured servants were paid and free after 7 years. Slaves were never paid and were considered property.

How are indentured servants and slaves similar?

They were not the same. Indentured servants were to serve 7 years, but often they left before they finished their time. They could blend in so it made it hard to find them, but any person who was black was a slave and needed a pass to leave the plantation. Indentured servants were paid and free after 7 years. Slaves were never paid and were considered property.

How are indentured servants controlled by their masters?

In the early days of the American colonies, slaves and indentured servants had no rights worth speaking about. More so with slaves. However, in order to have indentured servants and slaves work to full capacity, these poor people were treated well enough to keep them fed & housed. Some of course were badly mistreated, tortured and killed.

Were indentured servants free?

Indentured servants were free, but at the same time they were like slaves, but treated much better. Indentured servants are people wh agree to work for a person for a certain amount of years for pay if the person will bring them to america. They were free becausethey chose to work for the people, and they weren't kidnapped, but they were almost like slaves because when they finished the agreed years, the master would say tey have to pay them for the shelter, clothes, and food they had while they stayed, which in the end made them work longer.

How were the slaves lives and indentured servants similar?

They were not the same. Indentured servants were to serve 7 years, but often they left before they finished their time. They could blend in so it made it hard to find them, but any person who was black was a slave and needed a pass to leave the plantation. Indentured servants were paid and free after 7 years. Slaves were never paid and were considered property.

Related questions

By the end of the 1600s indentured servants who gained their freedom?

By the end of the 1600s, indentured servants were being given 25 acres of land, and their freedom. The first blacks that came to America in the 1610s were treated as indentured servants, and slavery was not decided on the basis.

Was using indentured servants were harmful or helpful to the Virginia colony?

I think it was harmful because the servants were treated bad

What role did indentured servants and slaves play in Rhode Island?

Indentured servants were often used to provide labor in the early colonial period in Rhode Island, especially in activities such as farming and household work. As the colony expanded, the reliance on enslaved Africans also grew, particularly in the agricultural sector. They were used for labor in industries such as shipping, fishing, and the slave trade itself.

We're most aftricans free workers slaves or indentured servants Did their status change over time?

Africans were initially brought to the Americas as slaves, forced to work without pay and treated as property. Over time, some Africans were able to buy their freedom or were granted it after serving a term as indentured servants. However, for the vast majority, their status remained as enslaved individuals throughout the colonial period.

What colony has few slaves but many indentured servants?

Pennsylvania had few slaves but many indentured servants due to its Quaker influence and the belief that all individuals should be treated with equality and fairness. Indentured servants were often European immigrants who exchanged labor for passage to the colony, while slavery was not as prevalent due to Quaker opposition to the practice.

Were indentured servants and slaves treated the same at first?

They were not the same. Indentured servants were to serve 7 years, but often they left before they finished their time. They could blend in so it made it hard to find them, but any person who was black was a slave and needed a pass to leave the plantation. Indentured servants were paid and free after 7 years. Slaves were never paid and were considered property.

How are indentured servants and slaves similar?

They were not the same. Indentured servants were to serve 7 years, but often they left before they finished their time. They could blend in so it made it hard to find them, but any person who was black was a slave and needed a pass to leave the plantation. Indentured servants were paid and free after 7 years. Slaves were never paid and were considered property.

Why did crowded conditions in the city affect the way enslaved servants were treated by their masters in public?

Crowded conditions in the city heightened the visibility of enslaved servants, making it harder for masters to assert their dominance and control in public. As a result, masters may have been more likely to treat their enslaved servants with greater respect and leniency in order to avoid public scrutiny or backlash. The social dynamics and power structures within urban settings could influence how masters interacted with their enslaved servants in public spaces.

How are indentured servants controlled by their masters?

In the early days of the American colonies, slaves and indentured servants had no rights worth speaking about. More so with slaves. However, in order to have indentured servants and slaves work to full capacity, these poor people were treated well enough to keep them fed & housed. Some of course were badly mistreated, tortured and killed.

Why did landowners prefer slaves to indentured servants?

Landowners preferred slaves to indentured servants because slaves were considered a lifetime investment and were seen as property that could be bought, sold, and passed down to future generations. In comparison, indentured servants were only required to work for a set number of years before gaining their freedom, making them a less desirable option for long-term labor needs. Additionally, slaves were seen as a more reliable and permanent source of labor, as they had no legal rights or ability to renegotiate their contracts like indentured servants.

Why did Slavery become more popular than the use of indentured servants?

Slavery became more popular than indentured servitude due to factors such as the need for a larger and more stable labor force, the ability to pass down enslaved status to children, and the racial biases that developed that justified the enslavement of certain groups of people. Additionally, the profitability and legal protection of the institution of slavery contributed to its growth and prevalence in societies.

What was the idea on slavery in the northern colonies?

Slaves in the north were treated more as indentured servants. They worked for a set number of years and then could choose to be set free.