Henry crossed the freezing Alps to the Italian town of Canossa. He approached the castle where the Pope Gregory VII was a guest and then begged humbly to be forgiven.
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The issue was the Investiture Controversy, the question of who had the right to choose new bishops.
Henry refused to obey Gregory also when Gregory accepted the new king Henry went to war Gregory allies drove out Henry forces
pope Gregory VII wanted to change the rules about the religion. Henry IV got angry and thought he can fire pope Gregory VII. Henry got excommunicated from the church. years past, he came back and begged for forgiveness and was back in the church society.
Henry IV became Holy Roman Emperor in 1070 A.D., and Hildebrand became Pope Gregory VII in 1073 A.D., he forbade lay investiture in 1075 A.D.. A synod at Worms attempted to depose the Pope in 1076 A.D. and the Pope excommunicated Henry and the Bishops later that same year. In 1077 A.D., Henry said he was sorry and submitted to ecclesiastical penance.
The dispute between Emperor Henry IV and Pope Gregory VII was called the Investiture Controversy. During the Middle Ages, the Church owned extensive property. Also, the bishops were regarded for some legal purposes as lords, and some bishops had extraordinary political powers. For example, three bishops were among the seven men who elected emperors of the Holy Roman Empire. The result was that the political authorities saw great importance in having bishops who were politically aligned with their interests. There had always been a principle that the Church chose its own bishops, and the purchase of ecclesiastical authority was a sin called "simony." Nevertheless, secular authorities encroached more and more on the authority of the Church, and insisted on choosing their own bishops. When Gregory VII became pope, he decided to put an end to civil authority over the Church. He decreed that only the Church had the right to install, transfer, or remove a bishop. Meanwhile, Emperor Henry IV continued to install his own men as bishops. When Henry installed his own chaplain as Bishop of Milan, after the Church had already chosen its own bishop, the pope excommunicated Henry. Henry went to the pope, and stood in a hair shirt, barefoot, in the snow, to show his apology was sincere, an act known as the Walk to Canossa. The pope lifted the excommunication. The German nobles, however, saw Henry's excommunication as a opportunity to replace Henry, and raised their own man, Rudolph von Reinfeld, to the throne to replace him. Henry reacted by capturing and killing Rudolph and appointing his own pope, Clement III, to replace Gregory. Needless to say, Gregory excommunicated Henry again. Henry got Norman allies, who controlled southern Italy, to attack Rome and sack the city. When this happened, the citizens of Rome were so angry with Gregory that he had to leave the city with the Normans for protection. He died soon after that. The Investiture Controversy continued for a long time after Gregory died. Subsequent popes continued to stir up rebellion in Germany until Henry renounced his antipopes, and eventually his own son, who became Emperor Henry V, rose in rebellion in support of the pope.
Pope Gregory died leaving Henry iv to do as he pleased
Pope Gregory VII
An argument went on between Gregory and Henry. This argument was on whether Henry or Gregory should choose the next Bishop. Gregory got rejected by the Roman's on whether he should pick the next Bishop because of Henry. So Gregory "Excommunicated" Henry. Henry then traveled to Italy to apologize to Gregory. Before Gregory forgave him Henry stood out in the snow for three days out side of Gregory's room.
King Henry and Pope Gregory
1050-1100 A.D. PLATO Answers FTW
The issue was the Investiture Controversy, the question of who had the right to choose new bishops.
Henry refused to obey Gregory also when Gregory accepted the new king Henry went to war Gregory allies drove out Henry forces
Roman Catholic AnswerThe issue was lay investiture, where the Emperor was filling the vacant sees of Bishops. Pope Gregory VII removed this power, when Henry refused to go along with him, Pope Gregory excommunicated him and all the bishops that he appointed it. However, Henry immediately submitted so the Holy Father had to reinstate him and give him penance.
What were Pope Gregory VII and Emperor Henry IV in disagreement about
William Henry Gregory was born in 1817.
William Henry Gregory died in 1892.
Henry Holman Gregory was born in 1864.