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Qur'aan is not a creature. It is Allah's (God's) word. And God's word is not creature. Allah's word is Eternal, has no beginning, no ending, just like the owner of it, i.e. Allah. And it was REVEALED (not created) to mankind through angel Gabriel (Jibril) to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

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โˆ™ 14y ago
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The Qur'an is a compilation of the statement, revelations from Allah, that Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) revealed to his adherents-followers,whereby his followers wrote in parchments of animal skins that later comprised the Holy Qur'an. In addition, the Prophet's own instructions called the Sunnahs and along with the eyewitness accounts-called Hadiths comprised with the Qur'an some compiled into specific book of Hadiths, in consonance to the Qur'an. The actual revelations from Allah are in itself the life-ways for man, even the means of approach to Allah in Prayers are prescribed in it from Allah through Prophet Mohammad. The Prophet was unlettered and never had education through human instructions and he neither read nor write. It is said that if man and angels were to help each other in compiling a book the like of the Qur'an, they could not even finish one Chapter. In as much, the Holy Qur'an consist of Ten Chapters from the sayings of the Prophet. The Qur'an was compiled during the lifetime of the Prophet 500 years after the death of Jesus, while the Christian Bible was compiled a year after 632AD or 600 years after the death of Jesus. Compiled by people who never knew or saw Jesus.

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What is the date of end of the world according to quran?

according to quran only Allah know the real date , but there only flags quran tell us about and some the prophet Muhammad tell us about .

Where did Muslim originate from?

A Muslim is someone who 'submits to the will of Allah' So Muslims 'originate from' since the time of the first human being to be created, Adam. Some people say 'so if Adam was the first Muslim, why is it mentioned in the Quran that Muhammad (PBUH) is the first Muslim?' The answer is simple, when these types of terms are used in the quran it refers to 'that' time. cuz Muhammad is the first Muslim in 'his time'. not the whole of mankind since Adam was created. Another example is where the Quran says 'Allah favoured the tribe of Israel over the WHOLE of mankind' this means that Allah favored them over the tribes of 'their time' not OVER the whole of mankind. hope this helps!

Does the Quran say to kill all christian and Jews?


What did Hindus do to the quran?

Hindus do a number of things with the Qur'an including reading it, ignoring it, or opposing the violence that plagues Indian societies because of the divisions between monotheists and polytheists in the Qur'an. As for what Jews think, Jews think a wide variety of things, but I have yet to meet a Jew who actively thinks about what Hindus might or might not do with a Qur'an.

What is the holy Quran used for in Confucianism?

The Quran is the book of the Muslim believer (Islam faith). Confucianism is an independent philosophy originating in an entirely different region by a person named Confucias

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Allah created man so that we may worship Him. As He states in the Holy Quran ""And I have not created the Jin and man but that they worship Me" Holy Quran 51:57.

Is the quran a creation of Allah?

Answer: The Qur'an was not "created". It is the Speaking of Allah.

Who created the koran?

Quran is not a creature. It is the literal exact words of Allah.

What is the purpose of the Tafseer Quran How can I learn online Tafseer?

Well, now itโ€™s very easy to learn Quran from online rather I am also following โ€œBEST QURAN TEACHINGโ€ for which I got a proper way of learning Quran. The purpose of the Tafseer Quran is the explanation of a perfect set of beliefs with respect to the Creator, and the relationship of the created with the Creator with perfection of personal conduct and good morals. So I must suggest that to better memorize Quran easily you should follow the perfect way of Quran learning.

How do they compile the quran?

It was a difficult task to compile the Quran as testified by one of the companions of Muhammad. According to this companion, it is easier to move a mountain than to compile the Quran which was written in different materials like animal skin, palm leaves etc. During the time of the 3rd Caliph Uthman there were different readings of Quran in different cities. These copies of Quran did not agree on each other. Uthman wanted to make a single standardized Quran. By his orders, the men collected all the copies on the Quran in existance and created a new Quran. After creating the new Quran, Uthman ordered to burn all the original copies of the Quran in order that there is no differing copies are around. The copies of the new Quran was sent into different cities for their use. Many did not agree with the new Quran and had to accept the Uthman version. This version is the Quran that is in use now.

Do Muslims believe in evolution or creation?

They a strong believers of creation, since they believe in the creation of Adam and Eve as revealed by the Quran. Also the Quran teaches that God had created the universe in 7 days where he created everything explicitly and rested on his throne in the 7th day

Which animal that Allah created first?

Fish... _____________________________________________________ Nothing is mentioned in Quran; Muslims holy book; that assures which animal is created first by Allah.

Where does it say in the Quran that god made the world?

In the Quran, it is mentioned in multiple verses that God created the world. For example, in Surah Al-An'am (6:1), it states that God is the one who created the heavens and the earth. This concept of God's creation of the world is a central theme throughout the Quran.

Who are the first humans according to Quran?

The first human created by Allah was Adam PBUH then his wife Eve.

How does the Islam religion believe man was created?

As mentioned in Quran, Muslims holy book, First man on earth "Adam' was created from clay by God.

Do Muslims believe in Adam and Eve story and creationism and all of that?

Yes, Muslims believe in the story of Adam and Eve as mentioned in the Quran. They believe that Adam and Eve were the first humans created by Allah and were placed in the Garden of Eden. Creationism is a belief held by many Muslims, as they believe that Allah created the universe and all living beings.

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