

How was kissing invented?

Updated: 8/19/2022
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15y ago

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i dont think it was invented i think it just happened

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Q: How was kissing invented?
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Who invented kissing?

Nobody INVENTED kissing, it just came naturally, same as sexual intercourse.

Is kissing natural or was it invented?

It natural.

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How did kissing come about?

Kissing in what you do when you have favorable emotions to or for someone or something.

What actors and actresses appeared in The Girl Who Invented Kissing - 2014?

The cast of The Girl Who Invented Kissing - 2014 includes: Adelaide Clemens as The Girl Natalie Dormer as Patti Stephen Graham as Freddy Zachary Quinto as Tommy Timothy Simons as Victor

How was the kiss invented?

How: It one of the natural behaviors that learned naturally. when: 100 years ago in 1907. See the link below

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Ben Franklin

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the first shoe making machine was made when professor William bell was kissing his wife he had an idea

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Why i don't get pleasure when I am kissing?

You are either not into the person that you are kissing or your not kissing seductively.

Why is French kissing called French kissing?

because it is french kissing.

Is there any feelings of kissing?

Of course there is a feeling of kissing, Humans feel everything and I think the feeling of kissing is the best feeling ever. Well, it depends whom you are kissing and where you're kissing, but still the feeling of kissing definitely exists, regardless of who you are kissing.