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Oil and Natural gases have formed from the remains of plants and sea creatures. they are the result of the action of heat and pressure on plant and animal remains over millions of years, in the absence of air. The crude oil we use today was formed millions of years ago but crude oil is still being formed today.

More crude oil is formed every time an animal or plant in the sea dies and is squashed by layers of other dead marine life (that turns into rock)over the top. This takes a long time. Oil and natural gas are carbon by-products and a common name for carbon by-products is petroleum. Oil is formed deep under the surface. Petroleum is formed from organic materials. This organic material comes from the remains of dead organisms. The organic material becomes a part of layers of sedimentary rocks. More layers form on the top of these layers and the organic material changes into petroleum, and is contained into a source rock. This causes the petroleum to turn into oil.


Adjacent seas were covered by shallow oceans. Over a period of millions of years the remains of marine animals and plants fell to the sea floor, they accumulated into thick layers and eventually were covered by layers of sand and silt. Over time, the immense weight of all of these layers compressed the lower layers into sedimentary rock. Bacterial actions, heat, and pressure converted the remains of the animals and plants into oil..... Oil is found under ground.

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Q: How was crude oil formed?
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Crude oil is made from prehistoric decomposed plants formed millions of years ago, it is extracted using an oil rig. :)

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How and when was crude oil formed?

The crude oil we use today was formed millions of years ago but crude oil is still being formed today. More crude oil is formed every time an animal or plant in the sea dies and is squashed by layers of other dead marine life (that turns into rock)over the top. This takes a long time.

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No, coal is not made out of crude oil. Coal is a solid fossil fuel that is formed from the remains of plants that lived millions of years ago, while crude oil is a liquid fossil fuel formed from the remains of marine plants and animals.

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How do they make crude oil?

Crude oil is formed over millions of years when organic matter, such as dead plants and animals, are buried deep underground and subjected to heat and pressure. This process, known as diagenesis, transforms the organic material into hydrocarbons, which make up crude oil. The oil can then be extracted from underground reservoirs using drilling techniques.

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Petroleum is oil, more specifically crude oil, a thick mix of hydrocarbons formed from compressed plant matter over a period of millions of years.

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Its from crude oil formed from decayed fossils and organic matters accumulated for years

What role does carbon play in the creation of crude oil?

Crude oil is formed from the remains of ancient organic matter, primarily composed of carbon-based compounds such as hydrocarbons. Over millions of years, these organic materials are subjected to heat and pressure, transforming into crude oil. Carbon atoms are essential elements in the formation of hydrocarbons that make up crude oil.