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Islam was received very slowly by many Africans, because there were many differences between their religions. First off, Africans are polytheistic, which means they believe in many gods, but also have one chief god. Muslims believe in only one god,(monotheistic) Allah and his Holy Book the Quaran. Africans didn't pray five times a day, fast at all, or give money to the poor. One of the main reasons is because of the way that the women dress. The women in Islamic societies wear a Burka, which is a dress that covers them head to toe. In Africa, the women do all of the work. The African women didn't want to wear the burka while doing work in the intense heat of the African sun. The last and final thing is that Africans wouldn't want to go on a pilgrimage to Makkah(Mecca) because it would take too much time and cost too much for them to do it. They would have rather stayed with their village and worked.

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Q: How was Islam received by people who practiced traditional African religions?
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