Yes, she is still alive and living in Beverly Hills, California. She is 85 years old today.
Dean Martin has 8 children
John Dean. Today (2012), Mr. Dean is still alive and is the author of several non-fiction books about politics.
Dean martin
Dean Martin age would be near about 99 and Frank Sinatra would be 101
No, Dean Martin is not alive. He died in 1995.
Yes, she is still alive and living in Beverly Hills, California. She is 85 years old today.
Dean Martin was born on June 7, 1917 and died on December 25, 1995. Dean Martin would have been 78 years old at the time of death or 98 years old today.
she is still alive
Dean Paul Martin was born on November 17, 1951 and died on March 21, 1987. Dean Paul Martin would have been 35 years old at the time of death or 63 years old today.
No, he is still alive today.
He died in a plane crash in the 80's (National Guard)?
Dean martin Dean martin