Mugen is nineteen then turns twenty (doesn't tell you when he really turns twenty) years of age when the series first starts. Jin is in his mid twenties .
No. Although he is a good fighter and duels between him and Jin end up in always be a tie, Mugen never trained in a dojo and doesn't practice the sword style of a Samurai warrior: Kendo and also doesn't follow Bushido, or the way of the Samurai
Madison dzon created samurai when she was 8 years old .
Yes the samurai were wiped out .japan ask America to help rid of the samurai.Because the samurai were stuck in the old days
See for yourself! All star mugen : Games > Windows - Mininova.
Samurai typically began their training at a young age, around 5 or 6 years old.
Fuu never kisses either Jin or Mugen .
Mugen was voiced by Steven Blum in the English version .
No , Mugen , along with Jin and Fuu , go they're separate ways at the end of episode 26 "Evanescent Encounter" (part 3) .
Samurai Champloo was created in 2004.
no you dick there the main characters and don't die why do you even care the show sucked any way
Yes, Samurai Champloo is a manga and anime.
Vincinity of Obscenity by System of a Down.
Samurai Champloo
Samurai Champloo .
Samurai Champloo - 2006 VG is rated/received certificates of: Japan:R USA:M (original rating)
Cowboy BeBop is from the same creators as Samurai Champloo. 7 Samurai or Afro Samurai . The related link below will give you reviews of the anime series I listed .
-Samurai Champloo -Evangelion.