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If I have in 1870 1000 sterling pounds in gold each coin weights 0.2354 oz (0.917 gold fine) I have 235.4 ounces (estimated 216 ounces of pure gold) Today value per one gold ounce is 460 pounds and today´s value would be almost 100.000 pounds

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16y ago
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10y ago

It's a difficult question, sweetheart, and the net's pretty useless. My granddad was alive in 1930, and he says that there are five modern pennies in a shilling, although the internet may tell you twelve. Five pennies to a shilling (or bob), and twenty shillings to a pound. Multiply that by one thousand and you have your answer (maths has always been my strong point). So, in an easier setout:

1 penny x 5 = 1 shilling/5 pence

Now, what I haven't yet told you is that a simpler way of doing it is just to think of it as 240 pennies to a pound. So if you x 240 pennies by 1000, that equals 240,000 or two hundred and forty thousand pennies. Divide that by 100 and you've got 2400 pounds - ta da! In an easier setout:

240 pence to a pound x 1000 = 240,000

240,000 -:- 100 = 2,400

2,400 converted into pound sterling = £2,400

Hope I helped. One last thing - do NOT underestimate kids, 'cos an eleven-year-old's just written this.

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16y ago

As of 2006, depending on how you calculate it, and what you mean by value, it is between about 40,000 pounds sterling and 275,000 pounds sterling of worth.

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12y ago

£30 or just slightly less. Of course £30 in 1937 would have bought more. A pound of fresh tea would have been 10 pence (2 shillings)

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13y ago

Flims weed off smelly george

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14y ago

124,344 pinteas

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9y ago

Value of 15000 GBP in 1859

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11y ago

10,000 lbs

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Q: How much would 1000 pounds sterling back in 1930 be worth today?
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