This question can be answered by establishing the approximate years when the two religions originated:
There are at least three alternatives for the start of Judaism:
1) Abraham
Biblical tradition says that Abraham was the first in his line to worship G-d. A midrash of the common era says that Abraham realised that the idols of the gods of his father had no power and so sought the real G-d. This would place the starting date of Judaism at around 2000 BCE.
2) Moses
Judaism is also sometimes regarded as starting with Moses because God gave him the commandments, and because he is often credited with writing the first 5 books of the Bible - the Torah - which largely define Judaism. This would place the starting date of Judaism around 1400 BCE, based on the traditional date for the death of Moses.
3) Scholarly research
Based on extensive literary research, scholars now say that the first five books are composed from input from several sources, usually known as J, E, D and P. The sources known as J ("Yahwist") and E ("Elohist") seem to date back to early in the first millennium BCE. D ("Deuteronomist") dates from before 600 BCE and P ("Priestly") probably lived during the Babylonian exile. In order to establish when Judaism really began, we need to go backwards from this date to find the ealiest reliable evidence of Judaism.
During part of the tenth century BCE, the Bible says that the Hebrew people lived in a United Kingdom, ruled from the wealthy city of Jerusalem in what was to become Judah, by kings who worshipped the God of Judaism. King David conquered the well-fortified city of Jerusalem early in his reign. Because of swingeing taxes imposed by Solomon and his successor, the northern kingdom, Israel, broke away and asserted its independence. However, archaeologists tell us that there was no city of Jerusalem for David to conquer. Finkelstein goes as far as to say that the population of the whole of Judah during the relevant period was only about 40,000 - a fairly small crowd for a major football match today, and surely too small to subjugate the much larger and more prosperous northern state of Israel. Without further evidence, we can not rely on Judaism having existed during the time of Saul, David and Solomon.
We know from the Bible that the northern kingdom, Israel, was at all times polytheistic. The biblical references to the kings of Israel show every one of them as polytheistic in their beliefs. Biblical references that tell us about popular religion in Israel - what the people themselves believed - show that the nation was polytheistic from its inception until its destruction by the Assyrians.
Judaism must have begun in the southern Hebrew state of Judah. We also know from the Bible that Judah was polytheistic until the reign of Hezekia, who made a failed attempt to impose monotheism in the 7th century BCE. Arguably, if a recognisable forerunner of Judaism existed before this time, it was only a small sect, constantly at odds with the powerful kings of Judah. Hezekia's son, Manasseh, allowed polytheism to flourish once again, evidence that monotheism had not taken root among the ordinary people.
Almost a century after Hezekia, King Josiah reinstituted the reforms of his ancestor. During this period, the "book of law", believed to be Deuteronomy was 'found' in the Temple during renovations. Scholars say that the D source (the Deuteronomist) lived during the reign of Josiah and not only completed much of the Pentateuch, but also wrote the Deuteronomic history - the Books of Joshua, Judges, 1 and 2 Samuel and 1 and 2 Kings. These reforms, the largely successful permanent reintroduction of monotheism and the substantial completion of major works of the Bible, could be regarded as the origin of Judaism - late in the seventh century BCE.
We can identify changes to the theology of the Bible, starting during the Babylonian exile of the sixth century BCE. If we regard the new ideas absorbed during this period as essential to the definition of Judaism, then the start date of Judaism could be 500 BCE or later.
It is universally accepted that Christianity began in the middle of the first century CE.
Judaism is older
1) If we accept the traditional date for the life of Abraham, Judaism is about 2000 years older than Christianity.
2) If we accept the traditional date for the life of Moses, Judaism is about 1400 years older than Christianity.
3) If we accept the scholarly research and the findings of archaeologists, Judaism is about 500 - 600 years older than Christianity.
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Amelia was 2 years older than her sister.
27 years
All of ancient Israel's history, the history that Jews celebrate as the history of God's people, happened in the same place that Jesus lived and died. This place is modern-day Israel. Therefore, the region is seen as holy by both religions.
Some time after him
Since your daughter-in-law is, by definition, the wife of your son, she is usually younger than you are. However, if your son marries a very much older woman ("old enough to be his mother") then she could be older than you. This does not happen often, but it can happen.
No. Judaism is older than both.
It all depends on if a person is a Hindu or a Christian. The Hindu will say Hinduism and the Christian will say Christianity. From a Christian point of view the Holy Bible seems to have all the right answers.
Christianity is actually one of the younger religions. It branched off from Judaism soon after Jesus was crucified 2000 years ago. Older religions than Christianity are: Judaism (founded >3,500 years ago), Zoroastrianism (founded 3,500 years ago) and Hinduism (unknown origin) Useful wesbite
no. moses helped form judaism. hinduism is much older than moses.
Not a lot, other than its origin.
I think it does because it is a much older religion than christianty!
I know this is more than three but this way you have a choice :) The six main world religions are: Buddhism Christianity Hinduism Muslim Judaism Sikhism Source: R.S. lessons!
A:One of closest things is the old testament because it is the same. B:Christianity and Judaism are two branches coming from the one stream, however: Christianity defines itself as believing in the message and following Jesus Christ.Judaism does not have a place in its system for Jesus, his teachings, or the teachings of Jesus' disciples.Both share some of the same scriptures, called the Old Testament in Christianity, and the Tanakh in Judaism.Both worship God, as revealed in the Old Testament/Tanakh, although Christians believe that Jesus revealed more about God's nature than is found in the Old Testament.From the time of the baptism of the Roman centurion, Cornelius, Christianity has been open to acceptance of non-Jews, without the requirement to undertake the Jewish law. In this regard, it divided itself sharply from Judaism, and the division between them became irreparable soon after AD 70, when Christian Jews (Nazarenes) were excluded from the synagogues of Judaism.
Christianity is about 700 years older than Islam.
Judaism and Christianity are from God. Judaism laid the path for Christianity until Christ (the Messiah) was born. God is all knowing, so the religions from God are better than pagan and false religions.
No. The functions of a Rabbi within Judaism are different than the functions of a Minister in Christianity.
Christianity, Judaism are the main ones, others are less than 1 %.