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When he invented the game (though there is some debate about this) he was not looking for money, he was looking for something to keep his students occupied in the winter. So, the answer to your question is, he made nothing!Which was nice of him not to think of money, but about his students..........

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One day he got two peach baskets and a soccer ball and he was done.

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I`m pretty sure he didn`t get money and if he did only a little.

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Q: How much money did Dr James Naismith make the year he invented basketball?
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How old was James Naismith when invented basketball?

Excatly 14 mins. he was playing with friends one of them were my great great great great great grandpa kel kendals and he put a peach basket against the tree and thru a kick ball in and made it that's the first person to think of the money making game and weve past this story down for genarations its a GREAT one -Riana Kendals

How Many Quarters Are There In A Basketball Game [Solved]?

As basketball evolved over the years, so too have the rules that govern it. One such rule is the implementation of quarters. Why did this rule come about in the first place? Like many things in life, it all comes down to money. When James Naismith invented basketball, he divided the game into halves, and each half was 15 minutes long. As basketball grew into a business, there became a greater need to maximize profits. Therefore, organizers implemented rules to: Increase viewership by encouraging more exciting offense Increase the number of commercials that could be shown during breaks in the action. The solution? Four 12-minute quarters.

Who invented the sport of basketball?

It was invented by a Canadian named James Naismith in 1891.Dr. James Naismith, who was an educational philosopher, invented basketball in 1891 in Springfield, Massachusetts. Because the cold outdoor winter weather there precluded the popular games and athletic activities of the time, Naismith had been given 14 days to create an indoor game that would provide an "athletic distraction"; the new game could not take up much room, should help track athletes keep in shape and absolutely must be "fair for all players and not too rough."The Mayans invented a game similar to basketball hundreds or years ago.

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How much money do you get if you sell a basketball with basketball players signatures on it?

The amount of money for the basketball could vary depending on the player's who actually signed it. If it is someone that is a huge, big time NBA player then it would go for more then a dud player! I would say if it had Lebron James, Micheal Jordan, Shaq, Charles Barkley, etc it would sell for more!

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I only know 2. LeBron James - Basketball Tiger Woods - Golf

What was the origin of basketball and its development?

Being an sport that dominated America, basketball would probably be considered as a prime label of American culture. One is prompted to think it must've been originated from the United States. Well, it is true - somewhat. It was originated from Springfield, Massachusetts. But it was invented by a Canadian! Who invented the basketball game? The inventor of bball holds the name of Dr. James Naismith. He was born in Almonte, Ontario. Why was the game invented? While conducting a physical education class at the international YMCA training school, he was given the task of creating a new indoor sports activity that keeps the energetic kids busy. How was the game to begin with? Hence, he picked up two water buckets and hang them off two opposing beams near the roof. He split his students into two teams and instructed that the team that gets the most number of shots into the bucket of the opposing team wins. This is the prototypical game that develop into the game we call basketball now. How many rules did the game start out with? The original game involved13 original rules. Click to see how the game was originally conceived by Dr. Naismith. What the first officially recognized basketball game like?Even though it took place in the United States, at least ten of the players who participated in the first-ever game were university students from Quebec. Did he make money out of his invention?He never patented the game nor did he profit from it. So if you enjoy playing hoops, at least remember his name! Because I believe we all owe him for this wonderful sport he created. Being an sport that dominated America, basketball would probably be considered as a prime label of American culture. One is prompted to think it must've been originated from the United States. Well, it is true - somewhat. It was originated from Springfield, Massachusetts. But it was invented by a Canadian! Who invented the basketball game? The inventor of bball holds the name of Dr. James Naismith. He was born in Almonte, Ontario. Why was the game invented? While conducting a physical education class at the international YMCA training school, he was given the task of creating a new indoor sports activity that keeps the energetic kids busy. How was the game to begin with? Hence, he picked up two water buckets and hang them off two opposing beams near the roof. He split his students into two teams and instructed that the team that gets the most number of shots into the bucket of the opposing team wins. This is the prototypical game that develop into the game we call basketball now. How many rules did the game start out with? The original game involved13 original rules. Click to see how the game was originally conceived by Dr. Naismith. What the first officially recognized basketball game like?Even though it took place in the United States, at least ten of the players who participated in the first-ever game were university students from Quebec. Did he make money out of his invention?He never patented the game nor did he profit from it. So if you enjoy playing hoops, at least remember his name! Because I believe we all owe him for this wonderful sport he created.

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