1500 yen = 18.1730 usd
One United States Dollar (USD) is equal to about 100 Japan yen.
It's worth at least 100 yen. For a more specific answer, ask a more specific question.
Since 1 USD = 89.86 Yen as of 10/12/2009, (1/89.86)*500 = $5.56
Live rates at 2009.10.28 12:51:58 UTC120.00 JPY=1.31677 USDJapan Yen United States Dollars 1 JPY = 0.0109730 USD 1 USD = 91.1324 JPY GA_googleFillSlot("UCCOutputPage_TextSlot1"); Cheap Money Transfers. Click here!!setInterval("XESwitchClass()",750);
1500 yen = 18.1730 usd
5,000 Yen is about $55.56 (USD)
6.94 USD
493,350,000 yen is 5,000,000 USD.
1 yen is equal to .011003 USD, so 90000 yen = $990.27. :)
2,000,000 Japan yen = 20,406 USD or 12,553 GBP.
1 Japanese yen = 0.00917 U.S. dollars Google has a good conversion program in it, just search for something like '1 yen to usd' (USD = United States Dollar) or 90 yen per 1 usd
0.109575 USD (united states dollar) that's how much 10 yen is worth
78,816,008,407.04 USD.
1,514.88 USD
$997.51 usd