Susan B. Anthony was only 3 in that year and the US did not strike any dollar coins in 1823
The Monroe Doctrine was sighned December 2nd, 1823.
1823 was the year the Monroe voiced this doctrine in a message to Congress.
The Monroe doctrine was written December 2, 1823. It reinforces Washington's idea of isolation and assuming the leadership of the Western Hemisphere. This document closed the Americans to further European colonization, threatening the military force if necessary. Doctrine helped to preserve the independence of the new nations of Latin America; it became the corner stone of the United States foreign policy in its dealings with Latin America countries.
Philomaths ended in 1823.
While there is a rare 1823 quarter dollar, it by no means is worth millions. Of the other 1823 cents, dimes and half dollars minted, none are rare enough to be worth millions. Not even the 1823 Half Eagle is worth that much.
Susan Waters was born in 1823.
Please look at your coin again. It's likely not a dollar or not from 1823. No U.S. dollars were made in 1823.
Anthony Martin Branch was born in 1823.
What is my eavesdaff 1823 piano worth. Well since it was made in 1823 it is worth £50,000. If you are thinking of selling it then GO AHEAD!!!!!!
No US Dollar coins dated 1823 or any Silver Lady Head coins?
Please check your coin again. It's either not a dollar, not a Morgan-design dollar, or not from 1823. Morgan dollars were minted from 1878 to 1904 and in 1921. No US silver dollars were made for circulation from 1804 to 1835 inclusive.
Please look at the coin again. No U.S. one dollar gold coins were made until 1849.
The U.S. did not mint any silver dollars for circulation from 1804 to 1835 inclusive. In the last few decades there has been a flood of counterfeit dollar coins, mostly from the Far East. Some are excellent and a lot are laughably bad, with impossible designs and dates. If you have an 1823 "dollar" I'm afraid that you have one of the latter counterfeits.
Which one? A denomination is needed, post new question.
If the coin is still in collectible condition, average value is about $60.00.