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Above ground dugouts with a concrete floor and perimeter Fencing can cost anywhere from $2500 to $3500. (per dugout) This would include some type of bench for the players to sit on. If you go to an above ground dugout with concrete block walls with some type of roof system the cost can increase in the $12,000 to $15,000 range. (per dugout) If you go to an inground dugout (major league style 60 ft long) with concrete steps, a floor drain system, upper end benches, extensive netting and padding protection, the cost can reach the $50,000 range. (per dugout) We recently worked on a new Baseball facility at Marian College, in Fond du Lac, WI. Please go to there baseball website and look at pictures of there dugouts during the construction process. The approximate cost for each of those duguts when totally complete will be in the $42,000 range.

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