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Members of the Unites States House of Representatives serve or are elected to two-year terms. There is no limit to the number of terms they may serve.

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They serve 2 years.

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Q: How many years do members of the U. S. House of Representatives serve?
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Related questions

How many years do the members of the house of representatives serve between elections?

Two years .

What is term of congress?

Members in the House of Representatives serve for 2 years and in the Senate, its for 6 years.

Is a member of the House of Representatives in Congress elected to serve for two four or six years?

Members of the US House of Representatives serve for two years and tehn must seek reelection. US Senators serve for six years.

What are differences betweenf representatives and senate?

Senate is the upper house with 100 members who serve a term of 6 years. The House of Representatives is the lower house with 435 members who serve for 2 years and are elected from districts based on population from the census taken every 10 years.

How long do they serve in the house of representatives?

you serve in the house of represenatives for 2 years

How many years do the members of the House of Representatives serve in one term?

Members of the House of Representatives are elected to two-year terms of office. All 435 voting seats are up for reelection at once, every two years in even-numbered years. There are no term limits.

How Many Years Are Representatives Chosen?

Members of the United States House of Representatives are elected to serve 2-year terms. Members of the U.S. Senate serve 6-year terms.

What is term for House members?

Six years.Six years.

What is the trem for speaker of the house?

The term served by a member of the House of Representatives is two years. A person can serve in the House of Representatives as long as that person is re-elected. Some members of the House of Representatives have served most of their political career in the House of Representatives.

How long do members of the house of representative serve the senate?

the term is 2 years and can serve for life.

How long is the term of members of United States House of Representatives?

representatives are elected every two years. senators every six years.

How many years are in term for a member of the house of representatives?

Member of the House of Representatives serve two year terms. However, they can be re-elected to serve an unlimited number of two year terms.