The best way to answer your question is to give you the numbers at the start of the civil war.
The north had 22 million people while the south had 9 million people and 4 million slaves.
i believe it was 5 or 15
13% of the American population was African-americans.
Approximately 585 of Americans were involved in agriculture in 1860 according to U.S. census figures.
In 1860 the textile mills were heavily dependent of US cotton imports. Seventy-five percent of England's cotton came from the US.
The International Workers Association is an organization of workers formed in 1922. The group had its roots in the 1860's organization of workers called International Working Men's Association.
There were 30,626 miles of railroad in 1860 according to Wikipedia.
In the years 1860 and 1890 the average workers wage was 50% of the manufacturing. It so 60% for building trades workers.
In 1860 there were no farm workers. Family did the work and neighbors helped each other. Often sons were used to work another farm.
462,198 slaves lived in GA according to the official US census of 1860.
i believe it was 5 or 15
i believe it was 5 or 15
50,000 miles
not a lot