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A good number of people died in the Civil Rights Movement. Here are a few names of white activists who were killed:

Rev. James Reeb, Viola Liuzzo, Samuel Younge, Johnathan Daniels, Rev. Jimmy Lee Jackson, Andrew Goodman and Michael Henry Schwerner are the ones I know of.

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6y ago

Approximately 620,000 soldiers and an undetermined number of civilians died in the American Civil War. Most soldiers died from disease, not gunfire.
'''Short Answer: 618,100'''

Both sides of the American Civil War were comprised of American citizens, so American military casualties in that war equaled the combined totals of each side. Unfortunately not all units on both sides kept accurate records, sometimes records were lost in battles or record-keepers were killed and their records lost, some to be reconstructed from memory later, etc., so there is considerable variance in figures cited.

The following are best estimate numbers.

Official casualty lists for each side state that 110,000 Union (north) soldiers were killed in action and 94,000 Confederate (south) soldiers were killed in action -- for a total American Kia figure of 204,000. This is the number of men who were killed by enemy fire on the battlefield.

But, for the Civil War, this is only part of the picture of military deaths. At a time when soldiers were still considered largely "expendable" and medical care among them was almost non-existent, a much greater number of men died on both sides from diseases, injuries, malnutrition, accidents, weather extremes, etc.. (For example, both sides conscripted immigrants right off ships arriving in American ports. Chief among such conscripted soldiers were the many thousands of Irish who continued to arrive steadily all during the Civil War. These men were already in very poor health from famine conditions in Ireland and deathly deplorable conditions on the disease-ridden three month "coffin ship" voyages. Officers on both sides of the Civil War frequently observed that the side that lost particular battles was "the side that ran out of Irish soldiers first", as if these men were mere munitions.)

Union deaths from such non-battle causes were around 250,100, and Confederate deaths from these causes were about 164,000. This adds another 414,100 deaths to the count.

So 204,000 KIA plus 414,100 deaths from other causes equals 618,100 total American military deaths. This number is 1 of every 6 able-bodied American men in 1860*.

It's important to note that 67% of these men did not die from battle wounds, but from other non-battle causes.


American Wounded: Another 412,200 American military men from both sides were wounded to such a degree that they could not be returned to service. When this number is added to deaths, the military casualty figure for the American Civil War was over 1,030,300. This number is 1 of every 4 able-bodied American men in 1860*.

American Civilian Casualties: Both sides tried their best to avoid civilian casualties as much as possible. The Battle of Gettysburg, for example, which raged all around town for three bloody days, resulted in 8,000 military deaths on both sides, but only one civilian death when a young woman baking bread was struck by a stray bullet in her kitchen. Still, civilians did not have anyone assigned the task of keeping their records everywhere the war went over those four years, so estimates of civilian casualties are even much less reliable than those for the military. Given the conditions of the time, it is likely that many of those civilian deaths that did occur were the result of the same non-battle causes as for the military. Estimates of American civilian deaths from all causes (above normal death rates) range from 500,000 to 1,500,000, and were heaviest in the South.

*American Population: The 1860 Census determined that the total population of the United States (north and south) was 31,443,321 (a figure that included 3,953,761 slaves). Half of these were male (15,721,500). About 75% of this number were boys or old men: 11,860,750. About 25% were of military age 18-50: 4,000,000.

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Most of the deaths and wounded soldiers and civilians amounted to over 650,000. Estimates of losses divided between blacks, whites and Native Americans would serve no particular purpose, however, certainly whites had the most casualties.

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8y ago

During the course of the four years of fighting in the US Civil War, approximately 625,000 Americans had died. Most soldiers died of diseases not from gunshots.

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