1) 1 touchdown with a 2 point conversion (8 points) and 1 field goal (3 points).
2) 1 touchdown with a 1 point conversion (7 points) and two safeties (4 points).
3) 1 touchdown with no conversion (6 points), 1 field goal (3 points), 1 safety (2 points).
4) 3 field goals (9 points), 1 safety (2 points).
5) 1 field goal (3 points), 4 safeties (8 points).
101 points
more then 100 every game
you score 3 points
1 point
Yes, many. Every time you hear a final score like '7 to nothing' it means one of the teams scored zero points.
well if you mean when you score you get 6 points only football but you can probably get 6 points in almost every game if you keep it staking up so their is your answer not certain
the aim of the game is to score as many points as you cam
2 points
13 points. 6 points per goal and 1 point per behind. 6 + 6 + 1 = 13
101 points
LOL. you make me LOL