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Russia was first invaded by Batu Khans Mongols in (1237-1240)

The Swedes and Teutonic Knights jointly invaded Russia in (1240-1242) Russians led by Alexander Nevesky defeated both invaders.

The Poles invaded Russia in (1605-1606) Polish occupation of Moscow untill a Russian uprising in 1618 drove out the Poles.

Swedes led by King Charles invaded Russia in (1708-1709) Russians led by Peter the Great defeated the Swedes.

Napoleons French Grand Armee invaded Russia in (1812) Napoleon forced to retreat because of winter.

The Turks and Germans jointly invaded Russia during WW1(1914-1918) Russia under Lenin signed peace treaty with Germans. Germans left Russia after WW1.

Hitlers Wehrmacht invaded the USSR in (1941-1945) and were driven out by the Red Army in 1944 led by Commanders Zhurkov, Konev and Chuikov.

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Q: How many times has Russia been invaded and by whom?
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