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Harriet Tubman went back for slaves 19 times.

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Q: How many times did Harriet Tubman go back for slaves?
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What did Harriet Tubman do for slaves in the south?

she went back and rescued the other slaves and went back to the free states of amerca

Who was the slave that escaped that made dangerous trips back into the south to help other enslaved African Americans to freedom?

Harriet Tubman was the escaped slave who helped 300 slaves to go north.

Ho did Harriet Tubman discourage slaves who wanted to turn back?

Harriet Tubman was very nice and said if you want to turn back then turn back she did not shoot she was trying to lead slaves to freedom i know this because i wrote a report on her in the third grade and i got a A+

What famous black woman helped hundreds of other slaves escape from the north and south in the mid-1800s?

Harriet Tubman was an escaped slave who went back South to help other slaves to escape.

What did harriet Tubman contribution make to society?

showing that blacks should not be slaves like they were back then

Who are slaves who went back to the south after going to the north?

One of the slaves that went back to the south after she went to the north is Harriet Tubman. She went back to help other slaves get to the north.

How did the slaves escape?

They escaped because of Harriet Tubman she built the underground railroad and she went back to settle slaves to a new land to freedom were they would be safe

Who lead the slaves in the underground railroad?

The underground railroad was mainly ran by Harriet Tubman. She was a slave that traveled from union states back over to the slave states over and over again helping other slaves get over to freedom. the underground railroad was a series of trails that helped slaves get to the northern states to freedom.

Why is Harriet Tubman exact birthday unknown?

back then they didn't keep track of slaves birth day's

How many trips did Harriet Tubman back to south to help free slaves?

she made 11 trips

What kinds of stories did Harriet Tubman tell the fugitive slaves?

she told them how they made it to canada to improve their lives

What are 5 fun facts about harriet Tubman?

i know she was really helpful back then and i know that she help slaves escape