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264 - 254 = 66,351

You have 26 letters in the alphabet.

Since it is a four-letter string, then the total amount of four-letter strings possible would be 26 x 26 x 26 x 26 = 264 = 456,976.

If we take out the amount of strings that have the letter "x" in them, we would be left with 25 letters in the alphabet, and like above, the number of four-letter strings without the letter "x" would be 25 x 25 x 25 x 25 = 254 = 390,625.

When you subtract the number of strings that do not have "x" in it to the total number of strings possible, then you would be left with the number of strings that DO have the letter "x" in them.

Thus 264 - 254 = 456,976 - 390,625 = 66,351

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Q: How many strings are there of four lower case letters that have the letter x in them?
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How many strings are there of four lower case letters that have letter x in them?

264 - 254 = 66,351 You have 26 letters in the alphabet. Since it is a four-letter string, then the total amount of four-letter strings possible would be 26 x 26 x 26 x 26 = 264 = 456,976. If we take out the amount of strings that have the letter "x" in them, we would be left with 25 letters in the alphabet, and like above, the number of four-letter strings without the letter "x" would be 25 x 25 x 25 x 25 = 254 = 390,625. When you subtract the number of strings that do not have "x" in it to the total number of strings possible, then you would be left with the number of strings that DO have the letter "x" in them. Thus 264 - 254 = 456,976 - 390,625 = 66,351

Can you give me an example of upper case letter?

All these are upper case letters: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ All these are lower case letters: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz

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Normally letters start in lower case, so you don't need to press any other key when typing lower case letters. You can use the Caps Lock key to turn on capital letters and turn them off again. If Caps Lock is on, pressing and holding one of the Shift keys when typing a letter will put it into lower case.

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You decide that. All you have to do is define them before you start. The dominant gene is denoted by a capital letter, the recessive one by a lower case letter. It is better to pick a letter which has different forms for the capital and lower case letters (like A and a; not S and s).

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I work at a Kindergarten school...and we call them....guess what? lower case letters!!!

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What do you call capital letters?

The correct term is "minuscule," but people will look at you REAL strange if you use it. You'll like this: how "lower case" letters got their name was from hand-set typography. In hand-set work, you used blocks with letters molded into the end of them. The capital letters went into one type case, the minuscules went into another. To make it easy to work with, you put the two cases one above the other. The one with the capital letters was the upper case, and the one with the minuscules was the lower case. - - - - - A lower-case letter, a "small letter" or a non-capital letter.

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The correct term is "minuscule," but people will look at you REAL strange if you use it. You'll like this: how "lower case" letters got their name was from hand-set typography. In hand-set work, you used blocks with letters molded into the end of them. The capital letters went into one type case, the minuscules went into another. To make it easy to work with, you put the two cases one above the other. The one with the capital letters was the upper case, and the one with the minuscules was the lower case. - - - - - A lower-case letter, a "small letter" or a non-capital letter.

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Lowercase and upper case letters refer to how a letter is written - as a capital letter ("A" for example) or as a small, lowercase, letter ("a" for example). Here are all the capital letters in the alphabet: ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ Here are the same letters as lowercase: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz Upper case (capital) letters are used to begin sentences and for proper nouns, such as names.