Abraham Lincoln.
With the understanding that Abe refers to Abraham Lincoln, Lincoln was first a Whig party member. When the Whigs Party ended, Abraham Lincoln joined the Republican Party.
abe lincoln will be president
"Abe" is a nickname for Abraham and Lincoln was noted for his honesty. At least he was honest enough for his supporters to use the term to describe him.
4 William McKinley, John F. Kennedy, Abe Lincoln, and James A. Garfield
Abe had 4 kids
Thomas Lincoln , Gabe Lincoln, Fredward Lincoln, Sam Lincon
Robert Lincoln Edward Lincoln William Lincoln Tad Lincoln
No, he only had four sons; Robert Todd Lincoln, Edward Baker Lincoln, William Wallace Lincoln, and Thomas Lincoln.
Yes Abe Lincoln had 4 sons and he was married to Mary Todd
Abraham Lincoln had four sons: Robert, Edward, William, and Thomas (Tad).
they were never close. Abe Lincoln spent more time with his younger sons than Robert. Robert was closer to his mother. Abe Lincoln often said that Robert had more Todd in him.
An interesting fact about Abe Lincoln is he was our 16th president and was killed by John Wilkes Booth and he had 4 sons with Mary Todd-Lincoln
Abraham Lincoln's nickname was "Honest Abe."
four sons
Abe Lincolns dads name was Thomas Lincoln
Abe loved her Abe loved her