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* Jupiter was the Ruler of the gods. * Juno was the wife of Jupiter, She was goddess of women and fertility.

* Mars was the God of War. * Venus was goddess of love and beauty. * Minerva was goddess of wisdom, learning, art crafts and industry.

* Neptune was the god of the sea.

* Ceres was the goddess of the harvest. * Vulcanwas the blacksmith of the gods and the god of the underworld. * Diana was the goddess of hunting and a goddess of the moon. * Bacchus was the god of wine and partying.

* Mercury was the messenger of the gods as well he was the god of travelers and tradesmen. * Vesta was the goddess of the health and home.

Roman religion taught that every household had its own personal spirits, which protected them. * Lares were the spirits of the family's ancestors.

* Penates were kind spirits who guarded the larder. Small figurines of the spirits were stored in a small containers called the Lararium.

* The spirits would be worshipped by the family on special occasions where portions of food and wine might be sacrificed to them.

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lots and lots and lots, but they had twelve main ones

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