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The figure given in cecil Woodham-Smith's 'The Great Hunger' is 14lbs per day EACH. It must be remembered that the average Irish person ate potatoes and nothing else.

Up to 60 a day for a man.

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Q: How many potatoes did an average man eat before the famine started?
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What were people like before the Great Famine?

People were poor and lived in unsanitary conditions. They'd eat around 60 potatoes a day, well, the average man ate that.More at:

How did potatoes almost destroy the Irish?

There was a famine in Ireland starting in the middle of the 1840s, which was caused by potato blight destroying potatoes. Potatoes formed a major part of the diet of Irish people, so when the famine struck, many Irish people died and many emigrated. Even today, the population of Ireland has not reached the level it was before the famine.

What was life before the grate Irish potato famine?

Once upon a time, before the ahem 'grate' potato famine, farmers were being farmers. Then the ahem 'grate' potato famine yknow happened, and everybody died. Ireland has no knowledge. ...of potatoes.

How was famine found?

It was found in potatoes .

What does the Irish famine represent?

Potatoes. Potatoes are the main food in Ireland

4 When did the potatoes famine happen in Ireland?

1845 to 1852.

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How many potatoes are 4 lbs?

enough for another famine

What disease did the Irish potatoes have?

During the 1840s, potato blight affected potatoes in Ireland, causing a famine.

What are 3 popular famine foods in Germany?

Definetely potatoes. And cabbage. And rice, by now, as it's as cheap as potatoes.

What does potato famine mean?

it was where the potatoes were infected by a disease by blight i think

What potatoes were eaten most often in the Irish potato famine?
