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A guy called Mark Humphrey's states four million people were killed by Khrushchev during his period as the most important person in the USSR (search for him). This is a figure from a fairly rabid anti-communist, however, but is apparently based on a book by Rummel. He also gives 2 million dead under Breznhev. This is based, however, on the inaccurate assumption of a ninety-percent mortality rate in the Gulags, now discredited and assumed to be around nine percent. Therefore, a estimate of 400,000 under Krushchev and 200,000 under Breznhev seems reasonable within the USSR itself. This doesn't include victims from events like the Soviet crushings of uprisings in Prague and Hungary or the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan therefore. In addition, you have to consider whether death from neglect or overwork is equal to shooting someone, first-degree murder in effect. If not, death tolls are in the low thousands for those two leaders.

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Q: How many people were killed when Nikita Khrushchev ruled the Soviet Union?
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Who replaced Stalin?

There was a power struggle among the Soviet Communist Party elite to succeed Stalin after his death in 1953. Georgy Malenkov was nominally the next leader after Stalin, but only remained in sole power for about a week. The Troika (triumvirate) of Malenkov, Beria and Molotov ruled for the next six months.Khrushchev plotted with other high ranking Party leaders to have Beria executed.The leader who eventually emerged and held power for the next eleven years was Nikita Khrushchev.Khrushchev cleverly out maneuvered other top Party officials, and built his own power base. He was successful and rooted out "hardliners" when he revealed Stalin's crimes against other communists and the Russian people in general. In this manner "Stalinist" style rivals for power were ousted from any positions that would hamper Khrushchev's leadership role that he created for himself.

Did nikita khrushchev die?

Natural CausesHe was a Russian dictator/leader during the Cold War time period. He was a leader through the Cuban Missile Crisis.Nikita's biggest event was his secret speech where he basically accused Stalin of ruining lives and purging people for crimes they could not possibly of have committed.He died of a heart attack soon after this.

Soviet leader and builder of the Berlin Wall?

Nikita Khrushchev was the leader of the Soviet Union when the Berlin Wall was built.Joseph Stalin had been the leader when the borders were closed, but construction of the wall itself did not begin until August 13, 1961.

How many people has Stalin killed during his reign as dictator of the Soviet Union?

The generally accepted number is about 20 million.

What point did both Nikita Khrushchev and Richard Nixon both try to make in the “kitchen debate”?

that working class people could affored to buy houses

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What people were in the Cuban missile crisis?

United States (President John F. Kennedy), Soviet Union (Premier Nikita Khrushchev), and Cuba (Fidel Castro)

Berlin Wall?

Fortified and guarded barrier between East and West Berlin erected on orders from Soviet Premier Nikita Khrushchev in 1961 to stop the flow of people to the West. Until its destruction in 1989, the wall was a vivid symbol of the divide between the communist and capitalist worlds.

Who replaced Stalin?

There was a power struggle among the Soviet Communist Party elite to succeed Stalin after his death in 1953. Georgy Malenkov was nominally the next leader after Stalin, but only remained in sole power for about a week. The Troika (triumvirate) of Malenkov, Beria and Molotov ruled for the next six months.Khrushchev plotted with other high ranking Party leaders to have Beria executed.The leader who eventually emerged and held power for the next eleven years was Nikita Khrushchev.Khrushchev cleverly out maneuvered other top Party officials, and built his own power base. He was successful and rooted out "hardliners" when he revealed Stalin's crimes against other communists and the Russian people in general. In this manner "Stalinist" style rivals for power were ousted from any positions that would hamper Khrushchev's leadership role that he created for himself.

Who made the space race?

Nobody did. It was entirely metaphorical. There was no race, but the people who were involved were Nikita Khrushchev, the President of Russia at the time, and President John F. Kennedy of the United States.

Did nikita khrushchev die?

Natural CausesHe was a Russian dictator/leader during the Cold War time period. He was a leader through the Cuban Missile Crisis.Nikita's biggest event was his secret speech where he basically accused Stalin of ruining lives and purging people for crimes they could not possibly of have committed.He died of a heart attack soon after this.

What bad things did nikita Khrushchev do?


3 million people of what group was killed in the holocaust?

Soviet POWS

Soviet leader and builder of the Berlin Wall?

Nikita Khrushchev was the leader of the Soviet Union when the Berlin Wall was built.Joseph Stalin had been the leader when the borders were closed, but construction of the wall itself did not begin until August 13, 1961.

How many people has Stalin killed during his reign as dictator of the Soviet Union?

The generally accepted number is about 20 million.

What point did both Nikita Khrushchev and Richard Nixon both try to make in the “kitchen debate”?

that working class people could affored to buy houses

Who is a major person from Russia that is history?

There are many important people in Russian history. Nikita Khrushchev is one for example. He was a Russian dictator for part of the cold war and he organized the Bay of Pigs invasion on the United States. He had smuggled nuclear missiles into Cuba so that he could threaten the United States. The United States fought the Russians out and forced Khrushchev to take the missiles out of Cuba.

How does Khrushchev depict the state of the Soviet Union?

In his memoirs, Nikita Khrushchev depicts the state of the Soviet Union from the point of being an unbiased observer and himself as a major figure of the USSR. To a large extent the latter statement is true. Khrushchev remains always a Marxist Leninist and depicts Stalin as the ruination of the USSR's chance to precede along the path to communism. He does not hide the famines, and the purges of Stalin. He admits his own part in the Stalinization of the USSR, and does not try to hide his own guilt regarding the purges. In fact he takes full responsibility for the deaths of almost 40,000 "enemies of the people" who were in large part true communists like himself. He never blames the common man of the Soviet Union as a cause of the USSR's problems. He believed that the Soviet Union had a mission and that mission was reduced by the acts of Stalin. In the years where he held the key position of power within the USSR, he sees the Soviet Union in a battle against the West and the deviant communism of China. He regrets the forced style of Soviet "collectivism" and blames it on Stalin. He also has sharp criticism for the communist rulers in Eastern Europe for the slowness in which they did not de-Stalinize their economies. As the Premier of the Soviet Union, he stays true to the course of Marxist Leninist philosophy. He saw the USSR as an advocate of peace and he had no doubts that the USSR under his own guidance would prevail over the West.