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850 members of the Danish Underground Resistance movement have been accounted for but there were probably more than that who where not counted doing covert actions against the German Nazis.

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Q: How many people were in the Danish resistance group during the Holocaust?
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Who was in the danish underground resistance during wwll?

The Danish resistance was when aliens attacked they earth and brough to the earth talking horse-hogs and the only people that could stand up to them was bald teenagers[=the danish resistance was actually when adolf Hitler attacked other places and sent Jews to concentration camps. people, like Jew, tried to save the Jewish people which is called the danish resistance.

How old were the people in the Danish Resistance?

10- 70

Are there groups similar to the Danish Resistance Fighters now?

in the United states black people is similar as danish people

Who formed the danish resistance?

I don't think one person in particular had formed the danish resistance. I think that maybe a group of people had formed it.

What was the resistance in Number the Stars?

The Resistance fighters are people who helped the Jews fight the Germans.

How many resistance people were killed in holocaust?


Who is King Christian X in Number the Stars by Lois Lowry?

In "Number the Stars" by Lois Lowry, King Christian X is the king of Denmark during World War II. He is known for his symbolic resistance to the German occupation of Denmark, including wearing a yellow star in solidarity with Danish Jews. His actions helped to inspire the Danish people to protect and rescue their Jewish neighbors during the Holocaust.

Why was the Danish resistance important during world war 2?

The Danish resistance was very important because of the fact they had saved over 90% of their Jewish population. These actions also showed that when people fight for their beliefs it is much stronger than being alone. The resistors near the end of the war was almost 45,000 people.

What happened if the Jewish people were caught by the danish resistance?

the danish people pulled together to save the entire Jewish community. the only people who reserved their humanity in the face of the nazi horror

Who were the suviours of the holocaust?

They were people who suffered during the Holocaust and lived after it.

How many non Jews hid Jews during the holocaust?

There is Really no way of knowing but there was a lot of resistance groups that help move people through Europe.

Did people try to survive during the Holocaust?

Yes, many people tried to survive the Holocaust.