While the size of units varies from service to service, country to county and the era, currently a typical Battalion consists of somewhere between 300 and 1500 men. It will usually contain 3 to 7 companies or batteries and be led by a Lt. Colonel.
The Mormon Battalion brought a few women along as laundresses and cooks. Many of these women were the wives of men in the battalion.
battalion alludes to the number of men therein. battalion commander alludes to the commander of the battalion
Usually refers to a battalion's order within a regiment. If a regiment has four battalions which are either in that regiment, or else affiliated with that regiment, then they'll be numbered, first battalion, second battalion, third battalion, fourth battalion..
Roughly 700 men.
Both USMC and US Army tank battalion in Vietnam had 57 to 58 Patton tanks per battalion. 17 Pattons per company (5 per platoon, 2 in headquarters platoon).
Over 3,600 Battalion soldiers saw active service with the 28th Maori battalion ,649 of whom were killed
Depending on unit composition, it could be anywhere from 500 to 800 or more.
The Mormon Battalion brought a few women along as laundresses and cooks. Many of these women were the wives of men in the battalion.
The number of people in a battalion can vary depending on the military organization and country, but it typically ranges from 300 to 800 soldiers. The exact number can also depend on the type of battalion, such as infantry, tank, or artillery.
It is done differently in different armies, but there are usually three or four companies in a battalion.
It depends upon what military you are talking about and what type of tank the battalion utilizes or is it diverse? For a light tank battalion the numbers will be greater than a Main Battle Tank battalion.
a battalion runner was a solider in the world wars who ran messages from the main office (which where behind the trenches) to the front of the trenches where the message would then be passed down the rest of the trenches. this was a very dangerous job and many people died fact - Hitler was a very successful battalion runner in ww1
The Battalion Commander is in charge of a battalion.