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According to the Wikipedia article on Auschwitz about 300 prisoners escaped from the Auschwitz group of camps.

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14y ago
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15y ago

I don't think there is any exact figure. There was a tunnel from the Warsaw Ghetto to the outside world, but for many the big problem was remaining free after esacaping.

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Did anyone escape from Auschwitz?

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Over 3 Million people were sent ot Auschwitz approximatly.

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In one go atleast 300,000 people could of been held at Auschwitz.

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There isn't an exact number but about 1,500 people were killed at Auschwitz in 1940.

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The percentage is from 45% - 68% of people died at Auschwitz were Jewish.

Escapers from Auschwitz concentration camp?

Escaping from Auschwitz was extremely difficult, but according to the Wikipedia article on Auschwitz, about 300 prisoners ecsaped. Please see the link below on Rudolf Vrba, who escaped.

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