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Q: How many mps are there in the house of lords?
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Related questions

How many men are in the English parliament?

There are 650 MPs in the elected House of Commons and 743 peers and bishops (26) in the House of Lords.

How many MPs are in parliament?

There are 650 elected MPs in the House of Commons Currently 507 male, 143 female

What are the 2 houses of the UK Parliament?

The house of commons - where the MPs sit in debate of various laws and other business... and the House of Lords- which represents the interests of the Monarchy.

How many mp vote in the big ben?

MPs do not vote in Big Ben as it is a clock tower. They vote in the Houses of Parliament (also called Westminster Palace), which is the main building. The Houses of Parliament consists of two bodies of people: The House of Lords and The House of Commons. The House of Commons is the only one to have MPs. As of 2010 there are 650 MPs. MPs = Members of Parliament

How many fnm mps are in the house of assembly?

There are currently 32 FNM MPs in the House of Assembly in The Bahamas.

Can persons with a knighthood vote in the house of lords or house of commons?

Only MPs vote in the House of Commons and only peers vote in the House of Lords. A knight may also be an MP or a peer but has no voting privileges because of a knighthood only.

How many lords sit in the house of lords Lords at one time?

how many women live in the house of commons?

How many members of house of lords at US?

The US does not have a House of Lords

How many MP in House of Commons?

There are 650 MPs

How many mps are there in the house of assembly in Bahamas?


How many MPs are there in the House of Assembly in the Bahamas?


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