There are 388 miles from Lisbon to Madrid. It's a long 6 hour drive.
The total distance from Lisbon, Portugal to Malaga, Spain is 254 nautical miles.
Of course it would depend on where in Portugal you began your journey. However, using central Portugal as the starting point, it's approximately 1200 kilometers (or 745 miles) to Barcelona, Spain.
about 170 miles from Lisbon Portugal to Porto Portugal
There are 323 miles fro Aveiro Portugal to Madrid Spain. It should take five and one half to six hours to drive.
I have read on the web that it is 199 kms and takes approx 2hrs 10 minutes to drive, this was Faro airport.
387 miles
It is 388Miles/625Km from Lisbon, Portugal to Madrid, Spain <><><> Correct- but you must specify what points in Portugal and in Spain. Since their borders TOUCH, the distance from one to the other is zero.
The total distance from Lisbon, Portugal to Malaga, Spain is 254 nautical miles.
The driving distance from Malaga, Spain to Lisbon, Portugal is about 420 miles.
375 miles
Of course it would depend on where in Portugal you began your journey. However, using central Portugal as the starting point, it's approximately 1200 kilometers (or 745 miles) to Barcelona, Spain.
about 170 miles from Lisbon Portugal to Porto Portugal
There are 323 miles fro Aveiro Portugal to Madrid Spain. It should take five and one half to six hours to drive.
It's 5739 miles from Lisbon, Portugal to Washington DC.
380 miles
I have read on the web that it is 199 kms and takes approx 2hrs 10 minutes to drive, this was Faro airport.
The distance is 232 miles, about 4.5 hours driving time.