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It's my understanding that Marines are no longer deployed aboard ships, except for the Marine aircraft and associated maintenance people. The decision to remove MARDET's from carriers was made in 1998.

Before then, the MARDET aboard a carrier consisted of approximately 200 enlisted personally, and 20 officers. (MARDET = Marine Detachment... sorry) They performed a myriad of duties: Guards for the Commanding officer and Executive Officer, and visiting VIP's; In charge of the Brig; they had absolute authority over the Nuclear weapon during practice loading/unloading drills - no one got close to it without permission from them; they acted as the "Police Force" when the ship was in port - you've heard the stories about drunken sailors?, they were the only armed force aboard the ship. Personally I was glad they were there. They took their duty very seriously... well... of course they did they were US Marines.

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Q: How many marines are aboard an aircraft carrier?
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In a fleet there would be as many as 50+ aircrafts. It depends of it is a aircraft carrier or some other base.

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The current generation USS Nimitz supercarriers (the largest ever built) require a crew of about 3200 sailors, and an aircrew of about 2500. The next-generation Ford-class supercarriers reduce this number through automation by almost 20%, to roughly 4700 crew total. For comparison, the prototypical WW2 aircraft carrier, the USS Essex class, had a total crew of 2600.