We've been in 5.
The Depression of 1807
The Panic of 1819
The Panic of 1857
The Great Drepression
The Greater Drepression (The one we're in now)
from what i know we had 3 flags
Leo Frank was at least one.
According to history, We have never had any president be in the marines. We have had many be in other branchs.
Historians will help us.
The statement that US history is not taught past the Vietnam War is not correct. US colleges and secondary schools have quite different US history boundaries. There is a mass of US history running past the War in Vietnam.
According to this website http://www.sjsu.edu/faculty/watkins/depressions.htm, there have been four depressions prior to the "Great Depression"
Bergman has written: 'We're in the money' -- subject(s): Motion pictures, Depressions, History
C. M. - Claude Mallory - Garland has written: 'Depressions and their solution' -- subject- s -: Political corruption, Economic policy, Politics and government, Depressions, Economic history
That there are many states in the US
Ray Broomhill has written: 'Unemployed workers' -- subject(s): Depressions, Economic conditions, History, Unemployed
Stanley Schultz has written: 'The Great Depression' -- subject(s): Depressions, History, Juvenile literature, Sources
China dish
Emerson Wirt Axe has written: 'Recovery' -- subject(s): Depressions, Economic conditions, Economic history
Anticyclones are high pressure arear and depressions are low pressure areas.
from what i know we had 3 flags