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According to the gospels Jesus was crucified on the very day of hisarrest. In fact, Mark's Gospel provides a very exact chronology of the events of the last twenty four hours in the life of Jesus:

  • The story begins "when it was evening" (Mark 14:17), or when the sun went down: approximately 6 pm.
  • Mark knew that the duration of the Passover meal was three hours and that it concluded with the singing of a hymn, so at the end of his segment he says, "And when they had sung a hymn they went out to the Mount of Olives". It was about 9 p.m.
  • Mark then has Jesus and the disciples go to the Garden of Gethsemane, where his disciples, Peter, James and John, were not able to remain awake. "Could you not watch one hour?" Jesus asked. The process was repeated two more times. The disciples could not watch one, two or three hours. It was now midnight.
  • The act of betrayal, the darkest deed in human history, came next, occurring at the stroke of midnight.
  • Jesus was led away for a trial before the high priest and other senior priests and elders. This governing body then judged him, on the basis of his messianic claim, to be worthy of death. It was 3:00 a.m.
  • The watch of the night between 3 am and 6 am was called cockcrow. Peter's threefold denial of Jesus, once each hour until the cock crowed, marked the end of that phase of the night. That makes it 6 am.
  • "As soon as it was morning", which would be 6 am, Jesus was led by the chief priests, scribes and elders to Pontius Pilate for judgement.
  • "It was the third hour when they crucified him," that is, 9 o'clock in the morning.
  • When "the sixth hour had come" (12 noon), darkness covered the whole earth, reflecting the betrayal at 12 midnight.
  • After just three hours of darkness, Jesus said "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?" At 3 pm, Jesus gave up the ghost.
  • Jesus was buried in the final period from 3 to 6 pm, before the sun went down.
  • That brings us to 6 pm on Friday evening, reflecting the beginning of the passion on 6 pm on Thursday evening.

This tells us that Jesus undoubtedly arrested at 12:00 midnight and crucified at 9:00 in the morning of the same day. Or, if we choose to feel that this sequence is too artificial to be a genuine history, then we do not really know when Jesus was crucified, or if he was crucified at all. The other gospels, known to be based on Mark, more or less followed the same sequence and times, but were written such as partly to lose the artificial pattern of Mark.

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Q: How many days after Jesus was arrested was he crucified?
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What year was Jesus crucified by the Romans in Judea?

Many scholars believe it was in 32 A.D.

How many times did Emily Davison get arrested?

She got arrested 7 times, totalling to a time of 13 months and 10 days in prison.

If romans killed jesus was he crucified in italy?

No. The Romans had conquered many other lands and governed them. Jesus was killed at a location known as Calvary, or the Place of the Skull, outside the walls of the city of Jerusalem in what is now the nation of Israel

What religion were the Romans when Jesus was crucified?

At the time that Jesus was crucified the Romans were pantheists. This means that they worshiped a multitude of gods with only a very few of them having a "religion" as we would know it today.At the time that Jesus was crucified the Romans were pantheists. This means that they worshiped a multitude of gods with only a very few of them having a "religion" as we would know it today.At the time that Jesus was crucified the Romans were pantheists. This means that they worshiped a multitude of gods with only a very few of them having a "religion" as we would know it today.At the time that Jesus was crucified the Romans were pantheists. This means that they worshiped a multitude of gods with only a very few of them having a "religion" as we would know it today.At the time that Jesus was crucified the Romans were pantheists. This means that they worshiped a multitude of gods with only a very few of them having a "religion" as we would know it today.At the time that Jesus was crucified the Romans were pantheists. This means that they worshiped a multitude of gods with only a very few of them having a "religion" as we would know it today.At the time that Jesus was crucified the Romans were pantheists. This means that they worshiped a multitude of gods with only a very few of them having a "religion" as we would know it today.At the time that Jesus was crucified the Romans were pantheists. This means that they worshiped a multitude of gods with only a very few of them having a "religion" as we would know it today.At the time that Jesus was crucified the Romans were pantheists. This means that they worshiped a multitude of gods with only a very few of them having a "religion" as we would know it today.

How many disciples were crucified during the reign of Emperor Nero?

We only know of one disciple who was crucified during the reign of Nero and that was traditionally, Peter. The others who were convicted were executed in the manner of arsonists and blasphemers.

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A:It is very possible that Jesus of Nazareth was crucified, after all the Romans crucified many thousands in first-century Palestine. Crucifixion was not uncommon and would not, by itself, make Jesus special. Jesus of Nazareth was not crucified if he did not exist, and there are many hypotheses as to the background of the Jesus story, including that the story was based around the second-century-BCE Teacher of Righteousness mentioned in the Dead Sea Scrolls or that the pre-gospel Jesus was purely spiritual, crucified in heaven (as various Near Eastern gods were).

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Beside Jesus there were two robbers , who were also crucified one on each side.

What year was Jesus crucified by the Romans in Judea?

Many scholars believe it was in 32 A.D.

How many people were crucified alongside Jesus?

According the the Christian gospels, two other men were crucified with Jesus. These two men are variously described as thieves, criminals or rebels. Some fundamentalist Christians interpret the Gospels so that there were four men crucified with Jesus because of the different ways in which the men are described and because they take the Bible absolutely literally. So because one gospel says two "criminals" were crucified with Jesus and another says two "thieves" were crucified with Jesus there must have been four. Most people dismiss this and interpret the gospels more sensibly as there being only two other men crucified with Jesus.