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Article 1 of the Constitution apportions Representatives to the States by population, guaranteeing each state at least one representative. In 1911, Congress passed a law limiting the number of representatives to 435. California, as the most populous state, has 53 House seats, while the 7 least populated states each have one. For a chart of current population and Congressional Seats, see the following article:
These numbers are allotted according to population. They are adjusted every 10 years after each census. The total is always 435. Every state gets one congressman no matter what.
2 senators in each state
As set in the U.S. Constitution (Article I, Section 2, Clause 3, and Section 2 of the Fourteenth Amendment), the number of Congressmen (or -women) per state in the US House of Representatives is determined by the population of the state. The number per state is adjusted after each decennial (every 10 years) census to reflect changes in population. The total number of Congresspeople in the U.S. House of Representatives has been set at 435 since 1913. (It briefly went up to 437 when Alaska and Hawaii became states.)

The number of Congresspeople in each state's legislature varies widely by state.
guaranteed one per each state but allowed more because of population

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There are 100 Senators in congress which means there are two per state. This can only change if a new state is added to the Union.

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