It never stated an exact number of kids on the island and the boys never took a count to make sure they didn't lose anyone. They didn't count because they would rather live in denial. But it was a plane full of people though its funny how the part of the plane with all the adults didn't survive but all the kids did.
The exact number of boys is never revealed.
Ralph, Piggy, Johnny(fair), three small children, a dark little boy. at least 6 littluns in total (heads brown, fair, black, chestnut, sandy, mouse-coloured), Sam, Eric, Jack, Murice, Roger, Bill, Robert, Harld, Henry, Simon, the boy with the mulburry birth mark, Percival(mouse-coloured), Wilfred, Stanley. I count 21.
Lord Shaftesbury had 9 children.
The Baden-Powells had three children, one son and two daughters, Arthur Robert, Betty, and Heather
yes. The lord of the flies is set during the early cold war, and a hypothetical unspecified nuclear exchange.
lord shaftesbury
Lord of the Flies documents the progression of "innocent" boys into savagery.
the beastie
In "Lord of the Flies," specious refers to something that is misleading or deceptive in nature. It suggests that an argument or notion may seem plausible or true on the surface, but is actually false or misleading upon closer examination.
no, because the characters are all children?
Lord Shaftesbury had 9 children.
Lord Baden Powell has 2 children
In "Lord of the Flies," the children are not physically transforming into anything. However, they are symbolically degenerating into savagery and cruelty as they become increasingly disconnected from society's rules and norms on the deserted island.
How is Simon from lord of the flies?
Lord of the Flies was created on 1954-09-17.
He says that he will protect them from the "beast" and that they can have meat with him and the warmth of the fire.
Because they are young, frightened children whose imaginations can get the better of them.
the small group of children were called litttleluns