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Up to 80. depending on the exact munition carried.

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Q: How many bombs does a stealth bomber B-2 drop at once?
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How many bombs can the b-2 stealth bomber hold?

Depends on which bombs are loaded on the aircraft. All are carried in 2 internal rotary racks. The B2 has a total payload of up to 40,000 lbs. The maximum NUMBER of bombs could be as many as 80 smaller bombs.

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What are planes used to drop bomns?

Yes there is a bomber plane that is called a B-17 they also used small bomber planes like a dive bomber and so did Germans/Nazis. There is one plane that drop bombs that is called a stuka. To like bomb ships and even ground troops like American tanks ground troops .Navy and they sometimes even drop bombs on submarines as they were diving but they were not fast enough American b17 was a flying fortress Americans use it to bomb Nazi warehouses airfields and even factories.

How many people does it take to fly a b2 stealth bomber?

The B2 has a crew of 2 people.

How many proton bombs can a CIS Strike Bomber fire in succession?

An unmodified CIS Strike Bomber (Belbullab-22 Starfighter) can fire 6 proton bombs in succession before needing to reload.

How many atomic bombs did the us drop?


Why are parts of the B-2 bomber built in every state?

This is how you get approval for a big project like a stealth bomber: You make it in as many states as possible so politicians can say, "I brought good jobs to my district."

How many bombs did the US drop on japan?

two, 3 days apart

Who was the mad bomber of hanoi?

Could have been any number of USAF or USN bomber airmen over North Vietnam. The US dropped more than 3 times as many bombs in Vietnam than they did in all of WWII!

What are Plutonium atomic bombs?

Plutonium was and still is used for atomic bombs. The atomic bombs you are talking about would be fat man and little boy. They were the two used to bomb Hiroshima and Nagasaki Many people were killed when the b-29 bomber dropped fat man.

How many bombs did the Nazis drop in World War 2?

No specific count. The German military dropped hundreds of thousands of bombs during the war.