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Julius Erving won his only NBA championship with the Philadelphia 76ers in 1983.

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What NBA play went by the nickname Dr?

Julius Irving Better known as "Dr. J".

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Julius "Dr. J" Erving won two ABA championships in 1974 and 1976. He won one NBA championship in 1983.

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"The Doctor" was Julius Erving's nick name. Another nick name for him was Dr. J

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Julius Erving, "Dr. J", who started the revolution of playing basketball above the rim, retired at age 37 having scored more than 30,000 points in his combined ABA and NBA career.

How many championships did Julius Erving win?

Dr J won one ring in NBA with the 76ers in 1983, in the ABA (the second league in importance) won two with the New York Nets in 1974 and 1976

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The first three NBA players to do it officialy were: Dr J (Julios Erving) Michael Jordan Brent Barry