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There was 341 Irish people on the titanic!!

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Q: How many Irish people were on the Titanic?
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Who many Irish people died on the titanic and what were their names?


How many Northern Ireland people were on the Titanic?

Its impossible to tell, because there were so many people on the ship, many many died so IF there were irish passengers most of them would have died

Is there any Irish people in Sydney?

Yes, there are many Irish people in Sydney.Yes, there are many Irish people in Sydney.Yes, there are many Irish people in Sydney.Yes, there are many Irish people in Sydney.Yes, there are many Irish people in Sydney.Yes, there are many Irish people in Sydney.Yes, there are many Irish people in Sydney.Yes, there are many Irish people in Sydney.Yes, there are many Irish people in Sydney.Yes, there are many Irish people in Sydney.Yes, there are many Irish people in Sydney.

What were 5 nationalities of people on the Titanic?

Mainly English, Irish, Welsh, Canadians and Americans.

How many Irish men took to build the Titanic?

1,000,000 fat men

Was there a list of names of the Irish that built Titanic?

No. Thousands of workers did jobs on the Titanic's construction, and for them it was just another ship to be built, so no precise records were needed of who worked on what, where and when (although pay-sheets may hold this information, if they can be found for the time period).

How many people were there on the titanic?

there where approximately 2000 people aboard3433

How many people in Ireland can touch there nose with their tongue?

Those statistics are not available, but many Irish people can do it.Those statistics are not available, but many Irish people can do it.Those statistics are not available, but many Irish people can do it.Those statistics are not available, but many Irish people can do it.Those statistics are not available, but many Irish people can do it.Those statistics are not available, but many Irish people can do it.Those statistics are not available, but many Irish people can do it.Those statistics are not available, but many Irish people can do it.Those statistics are not available, but many Irish people can do it.Those statistics are not available, but many Irish people can do it.Those statistics are not available, but many Irish people can do it.

How many people dyed on the Titanic?

1,517 people died on the titanic

How many people were on bord the Titanic?

2223 people were aboard the titanic. :)

How many people survivid the titanic?

706 people survived the titanic.

How Many People Jumped Off Titanic?

the people that were not in the titanic when it sank