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By the time the United States entered World War II, multiple nations making up the Allied and Axis coalitions were fighting in many locations throughout Europe, Asia and eventually, North Africa. Germany itself was engaged in a two-front war. There are certainly breakdowns of how many deaths each country suffered during the war, but it's highly unlikely that they've ever determined, or ever will, how many soldiers from one country were killed by those of another.

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Q: How many German soldiers were killed by American soldiers in World War 2?
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How many German soldiers were killed during World War 2?

5.53 Million German Soldiers were reportedly to be killed during World War 2.

Name of World War I German Soldiers?

German soldiers during World War I were called "Huns" by the American soldiers. The Germans called their soldiers "The Bosch" during World War I.

How many German soldiers were killed in World War 1?


How many Germans were killed in Germany during World War 1?

about 9 million German soldiers were killed

What did world war 2 American soldiers call German soldiers?

they calles the Germans krauts

How many German soldiers served in the German army during World War 1?

The number of German soldiers who served in the German Military in World War I was 13,250,000. The number of American military personnel that served during World War I was 4,743,826.

How many US military killed in world war 2?

About 292,000 American soldiers.

What officially ended the World War 2?

lthe Canadian army killed all of the German soldiers and declared the winnig of the second world war

How many Indian soldiers died in world war 2?

Though, there's a varying estimate of Indian soldiers killed during World War 2, but official estimate is 36000 soldiers, mostly killed in Europe, Northern Africa against German Forces and in Burma against Japanese Army.

How many German soldiers were killed in World War I?

about 30,00 German soldiers were killed in world war one

How many German soldiers were killed by Jewish fighters during World War 2?

Raul Hilberg gives an estimate of 300 at the most.

How many German solders died in world war 2?

It's to be estimated that about 8 million Germans died during WW2. That's about 11% of the entire German Population. Out of all of those deaths, about 5 million were Military and 3 million were civilian deaths.