The most important character in Julius Caesar is not Julius Caesar, but it is Marcus Brutus. The reason why Shakespeare put Julius Cesar as the title is simply because it was more appropriate. It is the killing of Julius Caesar, which supplies the motive for the play. The death of Julius Caesar takes place before the middle of the play, however, his spirit dominates the entire work. It is the spirit of Julius Caesar, alive or dead, that supplies the struggle for Brutus and fellow conspirators.
Because the play was about Julius Caesar. Moreover, in real history after his death there was a civil war between the supporters and the opponents of Caesar.
why is Julius Caesar a political ? why is Julius Caesar a political ? why is Julius Caesar a political ? why is Julius Caesar a political ? why is Julius Caesar a political ?
There is not a character called Papilius in the play Julius Caesar. There was not an historical figure called Papilius either.
In ancient Greek drama a chorus is a group of actors who commented on the action of the play in unison. Those plays were written hundreds of years before Julius Caesar lived. There is no chorus in Shakespeare's play Julius Caesar.
Julius Caesar
Julius Caesar was told to beware the ides of March by a soothsayer in the play Julius Caesar.
The play is titled "Julius Caesar" because it is about the final days of the Roman king, Julius Caesar.
2 years
He is a conspirator against Julius Caesar.
Julius Caesar, the play by William Shakespeare, is a play, actually.
The play is titled "Julius Caesar" because it is about the final days of the Roman king, Julius Caesar.
His wife Calpurnia.
A monologue is a speech made by one person, either in the presence or absence of others. Julius Caesar is a play by William Shakespeare. "Julius Caesar Monologue" is a long speech made by someone in that play. Mark Antony has a long monologue in the play and so does Brutus. Various characters have shorter speeches long enough to consider as monologues: Cassius, Casca, Brutus and Antony again, and even Caesar.
Julius Caesar's soul never dies throughout the entire play. He is always there and there would never be a plot without him.
The Capitol
Julius Caesar got stabbed a lot. He was probably happy up to that point.