The time required for flight between the above places is 2.75 hrs. Average speed of 500 miles/hour is used to calculate the time. This time is inclusive of the landing and take off times. However, the time required for the baggage and security checking has not been added. The actual time may change depending on the flight path chosen.
hows long is the flight from Liverpool to Portugal
About 2 hours.
Glasgow - Faro: roughly three hours.
A typical flight between Houston, TX and Lisbon, Portugal would have a flying time of about 9 hours, 35 minutes.
It depends if there is Traffic in the travelling.
hows long is the flight from Liverpool to Portugal
A flash
About 4 hours.
About 2 hours.
About 10 hours
The flight time is 2 hours, 14 minutes.
A flight from the US to the UK takes about 9 hours.
About 130mins
A flight from the UK to Columbia would take about 11 hours.
The average flight time is 25 hours, depending on where in the UK you start from.
54 hours and 23 min
Glasgow - Faro: roughly three hours.