A soccer player generally retires in his early 30's some players can go on until there early 40's until there body can no longer deal with the physical sides of the game.
The drawbacks of playing soccer mostly relate to the physical aspect of the game. People are likely to get injured at some point during their career, and it is also hard on the body to run as much as soccer players do.
Every professional soccer (Association football) club in the world is continually seeking young players. Soccer players have a notoriously-short career expectancy because of the extreme level of athleticism required to excel. Thus, they all need a continual supply of young players to replenish retiring ones.
I'm sorry, but there is too long of a list to name all of the soccer players that were born in October. Maybe specify a team or league?
Soccer. Way more running.
some soccer players are called professional soccer players
They depend on the size of the soccer players' feet!
90 minutes
It is rough tackles and long time injuries after operations.
The drawbacks of playing soccer mostly relate to the physical aspect of the game. People are likely to get injured at some point during their career, and it is also hard on the body to run as much as soccer players do.
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soccer premier players outrank the nfl but it depends on what levelAnswerFootball is known in usa and Canada as soccer. American football is known globally as gridiron. The top footballers earn more than the top nfl players. The average gridiron players career is just 4 years, where as the average footballers career in 14 years.
Football (or soccer) has 11 players per team.Football (or soccer) has 11 players per team.Football (or soccer) has 11 players per team.Football (or soccer) has 11 players per team.
You can be a pro soccer player as long as you are good, fit and playing well. Most players retire in their thirties when they find younger players, just a little bit faster, are taking their jobs.
Flexibility is important mainly to reduce the amount of injury over a players career. Inflexible players are often subject to strains, pulls, and tears which could possibly end a players career or at least lead to a lot of time spent on the bench and in rehab.
soccer is boring